Asymmetry L × Punkish

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Asymmetry L × Punkish


Asymmetry stood in the kitchen, washing the dishes. He was always the one to do everyone else's chores when they 'forgot' about them. He sighed as he washed the last plate and began to dry it off when he was suddenly grabbed around his waist, "Aah!!", he yelled as he dropped the plate back in the water. "Hey there~... I didn't mean to scare you~...", he knew that was Punkish. "Will you please stop trying to flirt with me? I've already told you that I'm not interested..... and please get off of me!"

"Geez... you don't have to be so mean! I'm just trying to have a little fun~!"

"Well, trying to sexually assault someone is not my idea 'fun'...."

"Aaaw come on~.... you know you like it~..." Punkish began to place light kisses on the back of Asymmetry's neck, causing the later to tense up and try to push the other off of him, "G-get o-off!", he was finally able to get Punkish off of him and he turned around to face the taller boy, "W-what the h-hell i-is w-wrong with you?! What part of 'I don't like you like that' or 'I'm not interested' do you not get?!", he asked, furious. Punkish laughed, "Someone's just playing hard to get~!", he setpped closer to the other blonde, leaning down so they were face to face and placing a hand on Asymmetry's cheek, "I think you'll come around eventually.... I don't know what it will take for you to realize that I really like you...." he loooked down as he stepped away from the smaller blonde. He began to walk out of the kitchen when he heard Asymmetry sigh and begin to speak, "If you decide to stop flirting with everything that moves, I might think about it... but I highly doubt it...", this made Punkish frown, 'Does he really not like me that much...?'

"I'll... see you later then...", he felt like going to his room and crying. 'Why... why does everyone I fall for always hate me...?', he thought as he sat on the stairs. He sat there for a while before Phoenix Moon noticed him and sat beside him, "So what's wrong with you?.... No wait... lemme guess... Asymmetry?", Punkish nodded and sighed. "I think I can help with that...", this made Punkish look at him, "What-" he was cut short by the other's lips pressed softly against his own. Without thinking, he kissed back.

Asymmetry walked around trying to find Punkish, he felt bad for being so mean to him earlier. 'Maybe he's in his room...', with this in mind, he headed twards the stairs, but stopped when he saw Phoenix and Punkish kissing. 'He's been lying to me... I-I-I knew it! He probably just tells everyone that to make them want to be with him!', he walked right past the two and out into the back yard. He made sure he slammed the door behind him before he sat down on one of the pool chairs, 'Why do I feel like this? I don't really like I?....' without knowing why, Asymmetry began to silently cry. His mind was racing, he didn't know why he felt so hurt when he saw Punkish kissing someone else.

The two on the stairs broke apart after hearing the door slam. Punkish turned around in time to see Asymmetry through the window before he headed twards the pool, 'D-did he see u-us?', he thought. "Hey... go after him...", Phoenix said with a slight smile. "I am..." Punkish stoodd up and quickly made his way to the door and went out. He followed the same path the other blonde went and found him in a pool chair, with his hands covering his face. "A-asymmetry...? A-are you o-okay?" He asked walking slowly twards him. His head snapped up, he stood up and turned to face Punkish, "N-no...I'm not! If you really liked me... you wouldn't be kissing someone else! Y-you... you LIED to m-me!"

"H-he kissed ME!"

"You're lying!"

"No, I-I'm not!"

"Yes you ARE!! I know you are! W-why did you even say that you liked me if you really don't?"

"I do! I honestly do!"

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