Star Mine x Strange Dark

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Dark was waiting at the airport with Punkish for Star Mine. He looked down at the letter Mine had sent him, reading over the part where he said what day and time he would arrive. They had been there for over two hours past the time mentioned in the letter and Dark was starting to get impatient, "Where is he? He should be here by now...". Punkish sighed and leaned his head back on the chair, "Dark, if he hasn't shown up by now, he's not comming-" "You're wrong! He promised... Mine always kept his promises..."

"You haven't seen him since you were, what? Six? That's almost seven years ago! I think it's about time you forget this guy and move on..."

"I can't! He was my best friend..." Dark's gaze fell to the floor as he felt warm tears fall down his face. "C'mon Dark, I'll take you home..." Punkish helped Dark up and they both walked out of the airport.

++++++++A Few Hours Later+++++

It was nighttime and Dark was sitting on the swings at the playground. It was quiet, mainly because most of the kids were asleep at this time, and it was too late for them to be out. He thought about what Punkish had said get over him and move on...'Why didn't he show up today? Does he not care about me anymore?' he felt more tears fall from his eyes, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands, he didn't notice someone had sit down in the swing next to him. "H-hey... what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dark's head snapped up and he turned to the source of the voice. He was surprised to see Star Mine sitting next to him, "M-mine?"

"Yes Dark?" He stood up and walked in front of Dark. He stood and without thinking, hugged the taller boy. "I didn't think you were comming back..." he started to cry again and Mine wrapped his arms around Dark's smaller frame. "I promised didn't I? I haven't seen you in seven years... I'm so sorry I didn't try to call or write to you... I didn't know what to say..." he trailed off as they let go of eachother. "I-it's okay..." Dark said wiping his eyes. "No it's not... friends are supposed to stay in touch with eachother... not come visit every few years. I feel like we don't really know eachother anymore..." Mine walked over to the bench and sat down, Dark followed him and sat beside him. He thought of somthing Mine had promised him right before he left, "Hey, Mine? Do you remember the promise you made to me before you left?"

"Hmmm... that we would always be friends...?

"Yes, but there was another..."

Mine thought really hard before he realized what Dark was talking about.

+++++++++++Flash Back++++++++++

"M-mine?" asked a six-year-old Dark to the boy sitting next to him. "Yes, Dark?" Mine turned to face his younger friend with his usual smile. "Will y-you kiss me before you l-leave? A-A lot of people kiss eachother goodbye..." Both boys blushed a shade of red. "H-how about this, w-when I come back I-I'll kiss you t-then okay?"

"...Do you promise?"


"O-okay..." Dark smiled at Mine and before they could start another conversation, Mine's parents called him because they had to leave. "Bye Dark! I'll come back, I promise!" He said before he started walking back to where his parents were. "B-bye Mine!"

++++++++end flash back++++++++++

"You remember don't you?" Dark asked snapping Mine out of his memory. He faced his shorter friend with a small smile, "Yeah... I do..." Dark blushed and looked away slightly. Mine reached up and tucked some of Dark's hair behind his ear, causing him to look up, "Do you still want me to?"

Dark bit down on his lip and nodded. Mine's hand remained on Dark's cheek as they both slowly started to lean twards eachother. Right before their lips touched, Dark's phone started to vibrate. Sighing, he pulled his phone from his back pocket and tapped the 'Ignore' button and turned his phone off. "S-sorry..." he said as he slipped it back into his pocket. Dark tuned back to Mine to see that he was still VERY close. "Now, where were we?" Mine said taking Dark's hand in his own. Dark began leaning twards him slowly, "Right about here..." he said before their lips met in a gentile kiss.

They stayed that way for a couple minutes before they pulled away for air. Dark had a light pink blush spread across his face and was panting slightly, "I-I like you... a-as in more than a friend..." he laid his forehead on Mine's shoulder, trying to his his darkening blush. Mine smiled and wrapped his arm around Dark's waist, "I like you as in more than a friend too... so much so that I say that I love you...."

Dark moved from his current position to look into Mine's eyes, "I-I-I....I love y-you too..." . They then shared another kiss as Punkish, Blue Moon, and Asymmetry watched from the other side of the fence. "I told you they would get together..." Blue mumbled before Asymmetry whacked the back of his head. "Be quiet!"

"You're just mad because you lost the bet..." that earned him another hit to the back of his head, "Ouch! That hurts y'know!.....You two wouldn't happen to have my fifty dollars would you?" . Asymmetry and Punkish turned to Blue with annoyed faces and said (a bit too loudly...), "SHUT UP!"

"U-Um... guys?"

All three boys turned to see Dark and Mine staring at them with questioning gazes. "Uh... we were just out for a-a walk!" Blue looked down at his watch, "Oh, look at the time! I still have leftover Math homework to finish! N-nice to see you again Star Mine! Bye!" All three quickly made their way back down the street. Mine looked at Dark, "I thought school was out for the summer?" . "....It is..." Dark replied before Mine started to walk him home.

***************THE END****************


This is based on an RP I did with OliviaClark54!! We basically just emailed eachother untill we ran out of ideas and decided to end it. She sent this to me the next morning... and I wonder if she stayed up ALL night just to write this for me....

We are gonna work on a couple other Lencest one-shots before school starts back!

Anyway, thanks SO much for reading~! We really appreciate it!! :3



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