All about Kurai Buredo. Well not everything!

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Name: Kurai Buredo (berr-aaay-doe) 

Age: 12 and older continuing into the story.

APPEARANCE:  Hair- light sky/cotton candy blue grown to up to mid back put in a spiky pony tail.  Eyes- Molten gold (changes when using kekei genkei) 

Height- Average 4'11 feet and inches 

Bust- Normal 

Hand- right 

Clothing- wears a black t-shirt. Sometimes wears a fitting blue hoodie. Wears fitting black capris withe red waist band cuffs and pockets. Wears weapons pouch on right thigh. Wears running boots. (running shoes that reach the knees) 

Other: Has black gauntlets, (born with them), that make up her entire arm from the wrist to elbow. Dragon tattoos. One on each side of neck and gauntlet. Left is light blue and the right side is bright red.

Personal Bio:  Family- Mother: Tenshi no Hane Buredo (deceased) 

-Father: Kijin Buredo (deceased) 

-Brother: Raito Buredo (deceased) 

Likes: chicken, cake, candy, jutsu, inventing jutsu, kind people, training, sketching weapon designs, sketching for fun,sleep sketching, designing and creating new weapons, sleeping, painting the inside of her house. 

Dislikes: Annoying people, fan girls, Emo's, interruptions, sitting in one place for too long, being bored, waiting to long, stupidity, being underestimated, chores. 

Personality: Determined, strong willed, kind but teasing at times, smart but not a nerd definite NO!!, observant, keen, watchful, not your complete ray of sunshine that's happy go lucky nuts, strategic. Kind but not completely open towards friends, secretive. Don't make her mad or she'll make fondu outta you. Never wake her up unless you have long curved stick and directly two feet from the door otherwise Kurai or katana will slice open your head. Obviously deadly when she wants to be. Can be sometimes really lazy. Fun loving.

Weapons: Has a flexible switchblade used as a hair tie. Has knives in and attached to the inside of her running boots(running shoes withe the length of knee high boots). More small and large knives strapped and hidden well on legs, ams, necks and back. (so far) (will get more weapons later)

Kekei Genkei: Is unknown so far except that it has five stages to be completed. That's all I'm gonna tell ya about it for now! 

Past & present bio: Kurai has left her village after being kicked out. (why? You'll find out later) She travelled for two years since she was ten when she left, and had a long ways to go to reach the 5 shinobi lands (especially the farthest away The Land of Fire). That and she got lost numerous times. Now she has just reached the gates of Konoha and is about ask to take up residence.

*hey guys watch think of the character profile plz vote and comment. Remember I like honest comments no matter how crazy. Also give some advice if you think I need it.* bugglebear out PEACE!!!

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