Chapter 2: Excuse Me Can I Have A Sandwich?

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Me: Hey guys were back!

Kurai: Woohoo! Yah back to the story uh huh! *jumps up and down enthusiastically*

Me: Okay Kurai calm down.

Kurai: K. Hey BB?

Me: Yah?

Kurai: Which characters will I meet first?

Me: Uuuuuhhhmmm..... Random people.... Just kidding but you'll find out later cause I'm not tell-in ya.

Kurai: Aaaaw your no fun. *pouts in a corner depressed*

Me: *sweat drops* Just deal with it Kurai. *deadpanning*

Kurai: Fine... Why did you name the chapter a question anyways?

Me: *sighs* *pondering* Uuuuhhhmm I didn't have any ideas and I was hungry at the time.

Kurai: You mean like how I started calling you BB.

Me: Yah like how you nicknamed me after a BB gun. Kay can you do the disclaimer now?

Kurai: Okay. BB/bugglebear082399 does not own Naruto or any of its characters and stuff just me and the other made up things.

Me: Thanx now let the story continue. This will be a longer chapter so of course Read. Comment (honestly plz). And Vote!

Chapter 2: Excuse Me Can I Have A Sandwich?

*groan* I think internally.

*I HATE MY LIFE* I yell in my subconscious.

My hearings all fuzzy. All I hear is humming. All I can see is inky blackness with sparkly golden confetti. Yup I see it its sparkly golden confetti for those crackers that you pull apart or explode.........

..........This is so annoying.

Hey my hearing is back and I can hear people talking. I'm gunna listen in.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Asked a bored low voice.

"The doctors told me soon. Possibly today." Answered a calm higher pitched voice. I assume its a lady.

Hmmm silence. I hate silence it makes my ears ring. Hey my sights coming back. Everything's getting brighter.

Cheerful moment. *Does a happy dance in the corner of her subconscious*

I can feel in my arms and legs again. My hands move a bit. I'm probably in a hospital room. I feel the Cotten soft and smooth sheets beneath me. Then I here someone again.

"Hey Kurenai I think she's waking up." Chirped the bored voice.

"Yah I think she is. Lets wait and see Kakashi." Answered back who I assume is said Kurenai. Hmmm so the other one must be Kakashi.

As if in response my fingers twitch, my eyes scrunch, and I groan loudly. I try opening my eyes but they're stuck from sleeping so long. Though I'm not sure how long that would be.

I try opening my eyes again but, this time I succeed. Everything is so blurry and bright. Everything is way to white but, what do you expect to see in a hospital, flashing party lights and a buffet with bright neon colours? Didn't think so.

My vision clears as I look around the room. And look I'm right by a window with the blinds up... Great it had to be that hat had to wake me.

My visions cleared now as I look to my left and sit as I see two people sitting in chairs by the door. They stare at me.

I Annalise the lady I presume to be Kurenai. She seems to be fairly tall and very pretty. She has light coloured skin and deep crimson red eyes. She has long black shoulder length hair that seams to be slightly unkempt and wild. She's wearing red lipstick and purple eye shadow. She is wearing a red blouse with one sleeve with fishnet. Her outfit also consists with what look like bandages with a vine pattern covering her like a dress and bandages for shorts.

Hmmm interesting.

The man who I believe is Kakashi is also relatively tall with light fair skin. He has spiky whitish silver hair that stands on end as if he sat on the electric chair for a day. A mask covers the lower half of his face while only one dark eye is visible since his headband covers it up. He seams to be wearing a forest green vest and black sweatpants with a weapons pouch on his right leg. He wears a bored and lazy expression.

Both are wearing head protectors that have the symbol of a leaf on it.

My stomach feels hollow.... Damn it I'm hungry.

The silence continues while they stare at me. Well this is awkward. Okay that's enough silence for one day. So I decide to ask a question.

"Excuse me can I have a sandwich?" I ask. Yup I know the first thing I ask when I wake up is if I could have a sandwich. YUP! That's right. So deal with it I'm hungry.

Kurenai and Kakashi sweat drop at what I say.

"What? I'm hungry." I tell the to and the lady Kurenai sighs and says.

"Okay I'll go get the doctor and tell him that she's awake." And walks out of the room. I watch her until I can't see her any more.

"THANKS!!!" I shout out the door and turn back to Kakashi.

More silence.... More awkwardness. Uuuuggghhh.

Then finally "Well this is awkward" dead panned Kakashi. Yah thanks a lot captain obvious.

"Yup" I pop the p at the end. "So what's your name?" I know I already know his name but that would just lead to more silent awkward moments.

"My names Kakashi Hatake. What's yours?" He answers and questions back.

"Nice to meet you Kakashi I'm Kurai Buredo." I answer back sweetly. Just after that Kurenai walks back in with a doctor.

The doctor walks over to me and says "Hello, I'm Doctor Jikan what's yours?"

"Kurai Buredo.... Can I have a sandwich please?" I ask and answer back.

The DJ (Doctor Jikan yup i named him DJ) laughs and tells me "Sure Kurai in fact you can leave the hospital once I'm done checking your wounds."

"Thank you." I thank him.

"After that though you have to go with Kakashi and Kurenai to see the Hokage" DJ tells me and I nod in return.

After he tells me im good o go I then ask "Uum could you tell me wear my clothes and weapons are? It's just that I don't feel safe fifth out them."

"They're over on that table and theirs a bathroom to your right so you can change" He tells me. I nod in response and smile a small smile.

I then stand up slowly, so I don't collapse on the floor like a moron, grab my clothes and go straight to the bathroom to change.

~~~~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~~~~

I walk out of the bathroom in my regular attire from before.

Don't worry it's a spare change of clothes.

I have my daggers strapped on waiting for use. I grab my nap sack then follow Kurenai and Kakashi as they motion for me to follow them out down the hallway to the receptionist who seems to look like a nice lady. They check me out of the hospital and I'm given a sandwich. I say thank you to the doctors and nurses as we walk out.

Later I've finished my sandwich and we enter a large red dome topped building. I think this is the Hokage's building.

We walk up a few flights of stairs and stop a two large wooden doors and Kakashi nocks on them.

We then here an older quieter voice say for us to come in. Kurenai opens the doors and we walk inside.

These are my thoughts as I walk into the Lord Hokage's office. 'Holy Crud this office is HUGE!'

Up ahead behind the desk sitting in a chair is an old man wearing a red and white cloak and hat. 'This must be the Hokage.'

Kurenai and Kakashi walk behind three chairs and bow saying "Lord Hokage". I follow behind them.

"You may be seated." said the Hokage. I sit down in my seat.

"And who might you be young lady?" asks the Hokage.

"My names Kurai Buredo sir" I answer back.

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