Chapter 3: A New Begining, A New Life

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Me: Hey people we are back. After this chapter I will update at least once more for the week key words 'at least'.

Kurai: Cool so BB any hints for yours truly?

Me: And who would that be? 'Sarcasm'

Kurai: 'deadpan' Me.... :|

Me: Uuuhhh..... NO!!!

Kurai: But why? ;(

Me: That's my reason to know and my reason for you to never know why!

Kurai: 'frowns'

Me: Disclaimer. Now. I Demand It!!

Kurai: Uuuuuggggghhhhh!!! Fine

Me: Thank-you !)

Kurai: Kay BB/Bugglebear082399 does not own Naruto, it's characters and stuff. Just moi and other made up stuff. Boo yah!

Me: Kay? On with the story. Oh! And remember to Read. Write. And COMMENT!!!!

Chapter 3: A New Begining, A New Life

"Nice to meet you miss Buredo" said the Hokage. "But I have to wonder why those bandits were after you?" He asked.

"Well you see I had just been leaving this place called Iwagakure when these guys told me to give everything I had to them, and I said no so they started chasing me trying to take my stuff for two days non stop. Then I ended up by your villages gates and you know the rest" I explained.

"You were sprinting for you life for two days straight?" He asked in disbelief a look of surprise on his face. "Yup" I answered popping the p.

"Well Kurai would you like to live here in the leaf and enter in the ninja academy?" He asked.

My face took on a look of utter shock, turning into surprise, then a large close eyed grin of happiness.

Then I answered back "Yes please I would like that very much?" I continued to grin.

I have never had a true home before.

'It will be nice to settle down and to actually learn to properly defend myself and others' I thought with wonder and pure happiness for the near future.

The old man smiled kindly and said "Now I just need you to sign these papers so we can get you an apartment and registered for the academy. You start tomorrow."

I scanned over the papers quickly I've always been very cautious when it comes to these things. When I deemed it safe i quickly scribbled my signature on the papers.

"Okay so here's some yen to help pay for clothes, weapons, and food and your house key. Kakashi will take you their. The academy starts at '8' in the morning. Your just in time for the graduation test to." He told me.

"Thank you Hokage it was nice meeting you have a nice evening." I waved goodbye as I got up and followed Kakashi out the large wooden doors.

We walked through the streets until we got to some apartments.

We went to the building and stopped at the door it was numbered 999.

'Awesome I got a room with my favourite number. 9.' I thought gleefully.

I turned to Kakashi "Thank you Kakashi for saving me from the bandits and bringing me here. Bye!" I said to him.

He smiles under his mask his visible I closed "Your welcome Kurai." He then poofed away in a puff of smoke.

'Cool ' I thought 'I want to learn how to do that.'

I take out my keys, unlock my door and walk in.

The house is nice thankfully there's a bed already here including the the kitchen appliances, tables, chairs, and dressers.

I put my stuff my new closet in the bedroom, grab the money the Hokage left me and left. I locked the door for precautions.

I have many summoning scrolls that hold my life's work of anything from weapons to basic household helping things like my automatic dust vacuum. It vacuums up dust when it covers half a millimetre of any surface.

Anyways I walked out of my house locking it up and headed to the nearest weapons shop. I walked in and looked around grabbing 20 red rimmed shuriken, and 20 black and silver tipped kunai.

I walked further into the store also grabbing a blue flute like blow tube with fifty small senbon and darts that I could dip and fill with poison.

After I went and grabbed a black and red compact able bow with 20 black arrows.

'Hmm I'm modifying these later' I thought as I got to the sword and katana section.

I looked at the racks of katanas and found a katana that caught my eye. It had black blade with a red hilt and silver dragon wrapped around it. I had to have it. So before anyone else could notice the well crafted katana I snatched from the rack.

I also got a black double weapons pouch for my right leg then went to the counter to purchase the stuff but, not before grabbing a black strap to hold the beautiful katana on my back.

I placed my stuff on the counter setting the katana down more gingerly.

I payed the kind shop keeper saying thank you on the way out.

Placed my new weapons in my newly strapped weapons pouches and in an empty summoning scroll I had. I strapped securely my enchanting new katana on my back.

I then walked into the clothing shop next store and grabbed three pares of black capris and four pairs of black cargo pants.

Then I took five red tee shirts and tank tops of the racks, and two blue hoodies.

After that I quickly grabbed two pairs of ninja black sandals, and blue and grey running shoes.

I went to the counter purchased my new clothes thanking the shop keeper while walking out.

Finally I walk into a grocery store I get some cupped ramen, spaghetti noodles, five packs of cherry tomatoes, lettuce, cinnamon, sugar, strawberries, blueberries, ect., and my most favourite of all... FIVE JARS OF PEANUT BUTTER!!!!! WOOHOO!

Sorry for the over exasperation I just lo~ve peanut butter so much.

Finally for the last time, for what I hope will be for a while, I make my final purchase for the food and leave, of course thanking the shop keeper.

I walk back to my new house, unlock the door, and walk in.

Quickly place all my food in the cabinets and fridge so nothing goes bad.

Then I hang up all my new clothes in the closet including all my new weapons except my katana. I'm sleeping with it tonight. I'm already so attached to it.

I get into my packed blue and green striped pjs and hop into bed.

I stare at the white ceiling thinking 'Looks like its going to be a new life and beginning for Dark Blade tomorrow. I hope my first day at the academy turns out alright'

Look out people Dark Blade has arrived in Konoha.

I smile closing my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Kurai Burēdo (Naruto Fanfic) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now