Chapter 1: At The Gate

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Me: Hey guys first chapter! 

Kurai: WooHooo!!! IM ALIVE NOW!!! Well in the story anyways. 

Me: Hope it turns out well plz comment :)  

Kurai: *smiles all around* :) ;) !) ?) {:) :} :] I will now state the disclaimer for BB082399. Hey you like your nickname BB? 

Me: Sure. Its kinda funny though how you nicknamed after a gun though. Eh whatever. On with disclaimer now. 

Kurai: Thanx. Ok bugglebear082399/BB does not own Naruto or its characters. Just me and the made up stuff. Kay lets go now already BB!!! 

Me: Kay were starting now. Enjoy people's.

Chapter 1: A New Home

On the forested road heading to Konoha there's a girl sprinting like her life depended on it followed by two dozen bandits.

So yah guess it is.

Her long sky blue hair streaking the air with colour behind her.

The girls is covered in grime, dirt, and mud all over her and her small, nap sack.

The bandits behind...they don't look much better except the want to kill look in their eyes.   Yaaaah well that would be me. 

My name is Kurai Buredo and yup I'm the one who infuriated these bandits.

Oh well, it's their fault for trying to jump and steal from me.

Serves them right.

Anyways enough of this lets go back to the present. 

"Holy Crud!" I shout as a kunai misses my head by an inch. An inch really.

I sprint faster and leap into the trees hopping zig zag from branch to branch hoping to shake them off a bit.

Obviously I don't.

I think I just made them even angrier.

Oh well they'll just have to deal with it.

Those ugly, disgusting filthy punks. 

I can see the gates to a village up a head.  'The gates and barrier are huge.This village must be absolutely huge. I've never seen anything so big. except for a mountain of course oh and the sky. 'Maybe I could live there.' I ponder.  

A kunai zips behind me and sticks into the back of my right leg just as I enter the gated clearing. " Ahhhh!!!" I shriek in pain.  

I mean who wouldn't it punctured the muscle and bone by the feeling of it. 

I see five ninja by the gate though I don't get a good look because I get up and start running towards them again a few stray tears running down my lightly tanned face. 

I don't bother taking out the kunai it would just cause to much blood loss, more pain, and a loss for time. 

I hobble run to the gates about half way when the bandits burst into the clearing and surround me. Staring at me with the intent to kill.

I swallow and put a brave face up and grab two of the long daggers from inside my boots. They glint in the sunlight with my filthy reflection.

I take a defensive stance waiting for an attack with my 6 inch daggers.

One of the bandits come at me. He has brownish grey hair and a scar from the right of his forehead across the nose to just under the left of his chin.

Man these people are annoying.  

I know i know you probably think 'these dudes are trying to kill you and all you can say is that there annoying?' Yah well deal with it people! 

He comes at me and I leap straight up, backflip, and kick him in the head. The guy goes flying through one tree and stops after hitting the next. With one big uuumph as the air is nocked out of him, and he passes out. I immediately sprint through the gap taking what would probably be my only chance, forgetting about the kunai lodged in my leg.

When I finally reach the ninja at the gate I quickly put away my daggers and limp up to them. The ninja stare at me oddly then widen their eyes as they look behind.

One of them tries to say something but I collapse to the ground, drowning in blackness from over exertion for two days. 

Me: ooh the suspense sorry over dramatic heheh 

Kurai: Why did you have me injured! 

Me: Because I'm the creator and you'll be fine anyways so JUST DEAL WITH IT!!! *Kurai flys into a tree and passes out...again* 

Me: Well okay then....Oops! Anyways... READ!! COMMENT!!!! VOTE!!! This is BB signing off until next time. *smiles all around* :) ;) ?) !) |:):} {:) :] Cause I'm awesome like that!!!

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