Chapter 5 -
Lorraine Donegan:
I woke up to finding Nikki laying next to me, are legs wrapped around each others. This made me smile, she was still asleep so I had admiring her half covered up naked body. Then I saw her arm, the deep cuts made me cringe, it looked like it really hurt. Why would she do it? It made me wonder what Michael said to her? I really cared about her but I didn't want to talk about it and upset her again, I was worrying so much I didn't notice that Nikki had woken and was looking right at me "hey you" her voice so sexy! "Hey" I kissed her on the cheek while smiling. Looking down at her arm she realised and then moved it, I looked up at her making eye contact. "Hey, we don't have to talk about it but I'm worried ok" she just smiled. "Ok Michael did have a go at me and it hurt but it was my own fault" Nikki said without making eye contact. "I'm sorry" she was so cute just laying there with he head of the pillow, it was so cute. "Ok, and I'm glad you found away to make yourself feel better but next time come to me, please" I begged, it hurt so bad to see her like this, "I care and I won't to be here for you" I winked, Nikki meant the world, are relationship was nothing serious but I was still there for her. I ran my hand down her arm where the cuts were. She smiled, well she tried and then jumped out of bed.
Once we were dressed, we both went downstairs, "breakfast?" I offered "I would but I'm not that hungry, thanks for letting me stay, it's been great but I should get going." Something didn't seem right but like I said, what we had was nothing serious, I gave her a spare key and then we gave each other a hug, "have a good week, I will miss you" I said smiling "yeah I hope it will be good, I'm going to go home and pack now, then I suppose I should get on the road knowing what the traffic is like" we both smiled, said are good byes and she made her way out of the estate, I was going to miss her I thought to myself.
Once I shut the door I made myself some pancakes then there was a knock at the door, it was Eddie! "Hello hello hello" he said very chirpy, this made me smile "hey, you want some pancakes?" I offered "yeah sure!" Eddie was so cool, such a kind and genuine person. "So where's Nikki?" He questioned "she's gone away for a week, bosses orders" I told him. "Oh right, not because you to are spending to much time together" he winked "you no Lorraine I always had you down as a ladies man" there was an awkward pause... "Oh what, you thought... Me and Nikki?... Oh god no, just friends, good friends. She can count on me and I'll count on her that's it" still an awkward pause "oh right, that's good then" he winked and then finished his pancakes while I packed away. "Suppose I should get on with some gardening then, cheers for the breakfast. I'll be just outside if you need me" he then went outside and I got dressed. Not having Nikki round gave me the perfect excuse to get on with some prober work. If I was honest I wasn't missing her as much as I thought I would.
It was coming up to lunch time when the door bell went, it was Eddie "can I help you" I flirted "do you fancy going out, like to a club or something tonight?" He offered "I have work in the morning" I laughed "dinner then?" I wasn't getting out of this one "yeah go on then" I smiled "pick you up at 6?" He smiled "ok then" Eddie then walked away again, I went upstairs and picked out something to wear, Eddie was so cute. I was looking forward to it.
When we got home I pulled outside my house "so would you call that a pretty good date" he questioned, this was awkward I thought to myself "date?" I questioned saying it confused "only joking, but honestly if your ever free ill take you out yeah, "next Monday" I offered "it's a date" he winked. For the rest of the night I did some paperwork and got ready for work tomorrow.
My phone went off, {hey thanks for a great night, here's the picture the waiter took} a smile came to my face, we looked pretty cute even if I did say so myself, I text back {thanks to you, I'm looking forward to next Monday, maybe a club this time?} I smiled as my phone went off again {yeah ok, a club sounds good, what about Nikki?} the smile from my face had gone {what about Nikki? She may be back on Monday evening she may not, anyway I have a life ;)} the smile was back on my face as I packed my office place up and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. My phone went off again {that's good, I'm looking forward to it ;) sleep well night xx}
Then I went to sleep and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.
The next morning I did the usual ;shower, washed ,dressed, make up and hair. After I was ready the door bell went, this drove the dogs crazy. "Just coming" I shouted, I opened it and surprise surprise it was Eddie, "I got you breakfast" he winked, "Awrr thank you, I'm lucky to have you" I winked back. There was defiantly something between us, I'm not sure what but it felt right. "No problem" then I invited him in.
We ate are breakfast and then he let me go to work, "see you later, come round to mums tonight for dinner" he questioned "ok" I accepted and then drove to work.
The day went so quickly and before I knew it I was back home and having to get ready to go over to dinner at Eddies mums.
I was looking forward to it, got some clothes a shower and then took a bottle of wine from the fridge over.
I wonder what Nikki was doing right now...
Short chapter but an Important one! It gets better :D wait and see ;) thanks for reading!

Wanted Love (Waterloo road/leabians)
FanfictionAfter Lorraine's and Nikki's passionate kiss, where will this lead?