Chapter 11 -
Nikki Boston:
Waking up to my alarm again, me and Louise both got up and showered. Getting dressed into are work clothes Louise grabbed me from behind and turned me around to face her. "We haven't done much of this in a while?" She signed, I blushed "no I guess not, but we both no we want to be together" I smiled to reassure, "where's this coming from? I'm lucky to have you" I smiled again "I dunno... Just thought about that was all" she kissed me with her warm lips as the met mineshe was a great kisser. I smiled as she pulled away. We then got breakfast ready and drove to work.
Arriving at the big and very beautiful school, some of the kids had already arrived. "Hi miss" a fellow student said to me "hi" I replied. Getting our bags we walked in together.
We had are own offices in the school, each teacher had there own classroom next to there offices, mine and Louise's were opposite. I had a free lesson so I went through some paper work before getting ready for my first lesson of the day. Teaching year 8's about language features.
"Hey" Louise said standing by my office door. "Hey" I replied, " you got free?" Louise questioned "yeah" I smiled "I'll let you get on then" she winked and turned away. She made me smile... And it was nice to have someone caring for me but I can't help feeling that there's someone... Someone I'm suppose to be with and maybe fate will bring us together? I'd always thought about it but maybe it was a stupid idea. I was being stupid, however Louise really was too perfect.
The bell went and the years 8's started lining up outside. "Right everyone, be quiet before we go in thank you. I want you to sit down at your normal seats and then I will explain are new topic for today" I said in my Strict teaching voice. They all did as they were told so I knew that it worked. "Ok so we are learning about language features today, I would like you to put your hand up if you think you no one and I'll write it on the board" they started to put there hands up, I wasn't expecting them to no many but I wanted to no if they did no anyone if them. "We'll done, you've done really well. As we haven't even worked on them yet" I congratulated them all for there hard work. The day went on with me teaching Shakespeare to year 9's and taking year 10 and 11 to there mock exams.
The day was soon over but I stayed behind to wait for Louise, then we drove home.
When we got home we tidied up and then went down to the sea front for a meal at are favourite restaurant. Once we ate we strolled along the sea front, starting at one end and walking to the other. We were kind of in are own world, just taking are own pace, I wasn't looking where I was going when I almost tripped on a push chair coming in the opposite direction. "Omg, I'm so so sor.... Lorraine!" I just stood there, everything was quiet, we had bumped into Lorraine! I looked her up and down, Eddie was there and pushing a push chair! "Wha, wha, what are you doing here?" I was shaking, I couldn't breathe... She just stared at me... Then I blacked out.
The next morning I woke up to Louise's voice, "hey, hey... What happened?" I questioned, I looked at the alarm "Omg work?!?" Louise smiled, "you fainted down at the beach, remember? We bumped into Lorraine? And don't worry about work I've got you the day off, are boss is fine with it, he said take the next couple of days off until your 100% better" she smiled and left for work. I got out of bed and made myself some breakfast then walked out onto the balcony... I looked down at the beach and could see Lorraine sitting on a bench alone. I thought about just ignoring her... She wouldn't want me to see her? But for insane reason I had to go and talk to her. I locked up and started walking done to the sea front. Taking my time slowly she came into my view again... Getting closer and my heart beating faster.
"Lorraine?" I questioned, she turned around "Hi Nikki" she didn't smile but I wasn't expecting her to. "Do you mind if I sit down?" She just made a hand gesture as to say be my guest "thanks" I replied. We just sat there in silence for a bit, taking in our surroundings. "So that's the girl?" She questioned "Louise? Yes..." I caught onto the sentence. There was awkwardness in the air... And how much I didn't want there to be, if only I thought! Tears came into my eyes and I welled up "ohh Nikki!" Lorraine hugged me "don't cry" she pleaded. We just sat there in each others arms while crying. "Ok, stop... This isn't helping anything" she looked at me in the eyes, I gave a smile "ok" I said trying to stop crying. She took my hand and pulled me up, let's go for a walk and talk?" She suggested. I accepted and we started walking.
"That day, Lorraine... I'm so sorry. I was a bitch. If someone had done that to me and I saw them a few years on I would of slapped them back" I explained "here you go then" she joked and touched my face. This made me laugh, we walked all the way to the end of the sea front. "Hey I no a little beach around the corner, it's really peaceful and no one goes there" we walked through there and say on the deserted beach. "I can't believe your talking to me?" I smiled "don't be an idiot... You no me Nikki" she smiled "I'm sorry though I just I jus..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I had Lorraine's warm lips on mine, kissing me tight. She pulled away and we both had tears running down are faces. "How I wish things could of turned out differently" she said crying. I looked at my watch, Louise would be home with in the next half hour. "We better go, I wish we didn't have to" I smiled while stopping crying. Then we walked back.
Arriving at my house I said goodbye and walked into my house "see ya" I signed. As I walked in all that was going through my head was me and Lorraine kissed, how, when, why? All I could think is back to the fate? Was this the girl... Was this supposed to happen?
I tided up and around the house, Louise then came through the door "hi gorgeous" I didn't feel like talking, I felt awful I kissed Lorraine! "Hi, I'm not hungry so if you don't mind I'm going to go to bed" Louise looked at me "yeah sure, you ok though yeah?" She smiled "yeah sure" It was awkward but I couldn't face her right now. So I went to the bedroom.
{hey, can we talk? :/ X} I sent to Lorraine, a little while later I got a text back {Yeah sure :) how about in a few days on the cliff top? Just so Eddie doesn't get suspicious? :/}
I agreed with Lorraine, we both had separate life's now... This is why I needed to talk to her {yeah sure, talk later}
Then I fell asleep.
So Lorraine and Nikki have kissed :O what do you think? There's more surprises to come! :D
Thanks for reading guys :) thanks sooo much!

Wanted Love (Waterloo road/leabians)
FanfictionAfter Lorraine's and Nikki's passionate kiss, where will this lead?