Chapter 7 -
Lorraine Donegan
Finally the weekend was over and Monday had arrived!
I got up as usual and showered, put my make up on and got ready. Then made some breakfast, *door rings* I went to open it "hey stranger" it was Eddie he made laugh, "hey, want some breakfast?" I offered "Hmm spending breakfast and dinner with you, but yeah go on then" he winked and we both laughed. We ate are breakfast and then he helped me let the dogs out "shall I clean the kennels" he questioned "would you?" I sounded surprised "we'll... It's my job" he laughed. Eddie got on with his jobs and I drove to waterloo road.
When I arrived I saw Sonya waiting by the main doors for me. "Hey sis, we haven't done anything together for a while" I signed "morning, yeah I no... How about tonight" she said excitedly "awr Sonya I can do any day but tonight, Eddie is taking me out for dinner" I smiled "oh lucky you, ok well soon, see ya!" And then we walked are separate ways.... I did my work for the day which seemed to go rather quickly.
I arrived home at 4:30 and had to be ready for 6:00 so I had enough time to chill in the sauna with a glass of wine. I then showered, and picked out a dress, not that it was a date or anything but I wanted to look nice. I then did my make up and had enough time in the lounge to chill, then I got my coat and clutch, with great time as the door bell had gone.
"Evening madam" Eddie said in a posh voice, "evening" I joked back. "You look lovely, shall we get this show on the road or should I say 'date'?" He joked "date!" I laughed back "I'm joking! Your well out my league" he said winking... It was a bit awkward because he had a kinda serious face "yeah! You mean I'm out of your league" trying to break the awkwardness, this made Eddie laugh "yeah whatever! Lets go" he smiled, he was a real gentlemen, opening the car door to the passenger seat. Then before long we had arrived to the harvester, my favourite pub but I wouldn't dare tell him. "You like it here?" I smiled "we'll it's alright.." I teased "oh" his face was so cute "I'm joking!!! It's my favourite pub!" We both laughed "hay! That was mean" he hit my arm trying to get his own back. "Let's go eat" I said biting my lip. Are waiter took us through to are table, it had candles on it. I looked at Eddie as if to say candles? "I no your high maintenance" he winked "hay" I winked back. We both sat down and took are food and drink orders. "Is it bad that I'm thinking your a very attractive man" this made him laugh, he didn't answer because are drinks were here. The night went on with more talking, and laughing. The food was delicious and before long it was time to leave the pub. "I've got another surprise" he smiled, on great whats he like ay. I smiled to myself. "I'm a very lucky lady me thinks Eddie" we smiled and he drove us to are destination "here we are" my favourite night club! "How did you no?" We looked at each other "Sonya" he smiled, ha... Me and her have great memories of this place "lets go and have some fun" he smiled, I loved his smile it was so cute and he new it! "Ok but I can't get to drunk" we laughed and drunk away. Starting with shots and then a little dancing, the night was going great... I started to feel a little drunk and so did Eddie, like a gentlemen he took me home.
When we arrived he pulled up and then came around to open my door. Holding my hand he unlocked the door to go into my house. There was a car pulled outside on the road "who's car is that" he asked, it was to dark to recognise so we just left it and walked into the house. He put me down onto the sofa and accidentally fell on top of me whilst taking off his jacket, this made us laugh. Little did we know Nikki was standing just meters away, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" She shouted "oh hey!" I said sounding a little drunk. She looked at Eddie "are you to...." She didn't finish, me and Eddie looked at each other and laughed like crazy, "it's not what it looks like" Eddie said trying not to laugh "and what does it look like EDDIE!" After more shouting and arguing "wow... Calm down" Eddie said maturely "Eddie can you give me and Lorraine a minute" he looked at me "yeah sure, I'll be in the kitchen" he left and it was just me and Nikki, I stood up "so how was your week away?" She looked at me really shocked "are you SERIOUS! You and him are getting it on and all you can say is how was my week!" I had never seen her this angry before "Nikki what are you on about... Me and Eddie are just friends" she gave me that shocked look again "yeah friends! You no what Lorraine I've had a great week, I met someone. Louise and she cares about me! We're great for each other! AND YOU NO WHAT YOU ANd Eddie can be together because I think your perfect for each other, SNOBS! That flash the cash around everywhere they go! YOUR A HEARTLESS LOOSER, who never thinks of anyone but themselves AND I HATE YOU!... I then felt a hand hit my face while tears were travelling down my face, Eddie stormed in as I went to hit her back, my hand didn't reach her face "GET OUT" I shouted and she ran while slamming the door behind her and driving off.
Eddie just cuddled me, "you ok" he looked at me "you no what I'm fine, shows who she really is and we weren't ever together" it hurt more because we were great mates and now it had all gone, but I wasn't going to let her spoil my evening. "What are you gonna do about work" he questioned, "I have a feeling Nikki may of been drunk? Anyway she's not one to hold a grunge I expect everything will be fine in the morning.
The next morning I woke up and felt my face, it killed so much! And that's when I remembered what happened the night before. I got up reluctantly, I felt a little hung over but got in the shower. This really woke me up and made me feel a little better, I then put on my make up, trying to cover up my mark on my face where Nikki's hand had hit my face. When I was ready I walked down the stairs, I could smell bacon, "morning!" Eddie had cooked me breakfast "you ok this morning" he questioned "yeah fine" I laughed "we had a good night didn't we?" We both laughed and I ate my breakfast. "Thanks Eddie, see you later" I picked up my bags "time to face Nikki" I smiled "see you" he replied. I got into the car and drove to work, I wouldn't see Nikki unless we past in the staff room or corridor, anyway this was just childish we would just have to deal with this like adults however when I arrived there was no sign of Nikki's car.
I walked in down the corridor and into the office, Michael looked really serious "another day" I joked to try and lighten the mood, "Lorraine" he was looking right at me "yes..." What was wrong with him! "Shut the door" I did while he gave me a piece of paper he was starting to scare me now, I read it and I couldn't believe it "she's quit" he said "what" I went silent, this was not because of what happened last night. "What did she say?" I asked "she's going to work at a different school in France for a while, she needs a change and had been thinking about it for a while. She's gone with a teacher she met last week...... Louise?" I was so shocked. "Lorraine you don't no anything about this do you?.......Why she would do it?" He questioned, I could hardly lie "what's up with your face?" He questioned, I looked straight at him "Nikki did it last night" I don't no whether that was the right thing to do or not "you what! Why?"... "We just had an argument... I don't even no why, it was so stupid, she was the one arguing though and Eddie was there to" Michael new Eddie because he was dating his mums sister "I'm not going to ask what about because it was outside of school... But is this why she's gone" I couldn't believe he just asked that "what! No way! Michael you no me", "yeah but I also no Nikki" he replied straight after " so your sticking up for her! Well you no Michael whatever you said to her before she left! Do you no how upset she was! I was there to pick her up, she hurt herself badly" I couldn't believe what I had said but it was the truth, he just stood there "so you really no her"... "Do you think that's why she has gone?" I had no idea what she was playing at but if I knew something then that was when Nikki had her heart set of something that was it. "Michael there is nothing we can do, this isn't are faults. She chose to leave so she left. "What do we tell people?" He questioned "the truth, Nikki has left and we didn't no why?" We made an agreement and got on with the rest of the day.
I couldn't help think whether she was ok, I didn't no whether to text but I chose not to, Nikki's made her decision and that was that.
Good chapter? What will happen now? Will they see Nikki again? Thanks for reading :D

Wanted Love (Waterloo road/leabians)
FanfictionAfter Lorraine's and Nikki's passionate kiss, where will this lead?