Chapter 6 -
Nikki Boston
This week was going quicker than what I thought, 2 more days and then I go home. I decided to go home on Monday evening and surprise Lorraine.
It had been alright at the school, I had a few things to take home to Waterloo road with me. I just wanted to make Michael proud, I had also met this teacher, Louise she was beautiful, around the same age. We were going to the pub together tonight, just as friends... But me and Lorrain weren't serious so what did it matter.
I packed up my stuff in a little office I had put it in and drove back to the hotel. I decided to make an effort and look nice, nothing wrong with that?
When I got to the pub I walked in and got us a bottle of wine. Louise wasn't here yet so I took a seat. It didn't take long for her to turn up. She looked amazing, it was nice making new friends. "Hey" she said in her quiet voice, it was sweet "hey" I said while pouring her out a drink. "It's nice to get out and talk about stuff other than work" she smiled "it certainly is" I winked... Why did I wink? She blushed. I'm such an idiot I thought to myself. "So was teaching your dream job" I laughed "I thought weren't talking about work, but yes it was, was it yours" we both laughed again "yes..." She was quiet shy I thought. "Are you nervous" I questioned "no, just haven't been out like this since me and my gird friend split up... A month ago" it went quiet I felt awful! "Omg, I'm so sorry!" She was a lesbian! I smiled to myself "no, no it's fine I'm over her and wanna get out dating again so thank you" she smiled, I think she had come out her shell a bit "you got a partner" she questioned, I laughed "no I haven't had a girlfriend in... Well a while" I hinted and then we both smiled to each other. She bit her lip which was really hot. "Maybe after we finish are wine we could go back to mine or yours" she winked, "I like the sound of that" biting my lip, leaning in and teasing her.
We got into are cars and drove to my hotel. We parked next to each other, biting my lip "come inside" we walked side by side and she slapped my bum as I gave out a scream.
I unlocked my door and then Louise pushed me through the door, are lips meeting as I melted, teasing and biting each others necks which left marks. She started undressing me, so I did the same until are naked bodies remained. I once again forgot about my arm and she looked down, then up at me my heart beating so fast! "Louise!" i shouted but she cut me off "don't worry i won't ask" she smiled and then pushed me down onto the bed and rubbed her body on top, she was really turning me on. Kissing me on my lips, neck and stomach, biting and moving down towards between my legs, I didn't no whether I could take this, I let out a moan and then she slid two fingers inside gentle and then beginning to make circular motions around, I cried out I was going crazy, it made me orgasm and then she pulled her fingers out, she looked up and smiled, "your so hot Nikki" Louise said smiling, then she slide her fingers back in, this time working them harder which made me scream louder, this then made Louise pull her fingers out and putting them back in really quickly, "sttt...ooop" I shouted "I can't take anymore" Louise stopped and then kissed me on the lips, "grrr your hot" I turned over and then worked my magic on Louise, getting her back and making her scream.
Then we fell asleep on top of one and other.
I opened my eyes and remembered what had happened last night, I enjoyed myself but couldn't help but feel bad. I found a note on my pillow, I opened it...
[hey gorgeous, sorry I left early... Hears my number > < text me. See you at school ;) xxx
Love Louise]
She was so cute... This made me smiled. {morning, see you at work xxx} I had a shower and got my stuff together, then headed to work.
When I arrived I saw Louise, I found it a little awkward but they was nothing wrong with what we did was there? "Hey" she said with a cute little smile, "hey" I said gentle back. The bell rang for school so we both continued walking are separate ways. "Can we talk later? Break time?" Louise quickly blurted out, I couldn't really say no "sure", she was really cute... I smiled. I then continued walking to my office space and put my bag away, then I headed to my first class to examine, I had to do it both hours before break. It was pretty boring which made time go so slow but finally it was break time and I headed back to my office space. It had been quite a crap day so far but before long Louise was walking in, "hey" I just smiled back, "so what do you wanna talk about Louise" I questioned. There was a pause as she sat down in front of me, "it's about when you go back to Waterloo road" she said, oh great here we go.. Now she's gonna think we are like 'together' "right" I said awkwardly "what about when I go back to Waterloo road?" I questioned. "Well, last night was fun? And no hard feelings or anything it was great!" She smiled which made me smile, "but it's best if we just stay friends" we said at the exact same time and laughed. We really got each other, "I'll always be here, you have my number and we work not that long away from each other" she smiled "yeah it's fine Louise, now I better get on", "right yeah of course see ya!" She winked whilst she replied.
Once the school day was over I walked to my car... "Hey!... Nikki" I turned around and it was Louise "hey!" I hadn't seen her since break time so it was nice to see her "erm... Do you wanna go to the pub...... As friends of course!" She finished her sentence, Louise made me laugh so much "yeah of course" and then arm in arm we walked to the pub leaving are cars in the car park of the school.
Once we got into the pub I got some drinks, and sat down opposite Louise. She was just staring at me, it was quiet. "Nikki..." She said gentle while taking my hand. "Erm yeah?" I said awkwardly back. "Can I ask you something, I mean if you don't wanna talk about it then just say 'no comment' ok?" She smiled while letting go of my hand, and whispered "why did you cut your arm?" She questioned as it went quiet. "Erm" she then cut me off again "sorry! I knew I shouldn't of asked"... I kinda wanted to talk about it though "no it's fine! But you promise not to judge?" I smiled "course!" She smiled back.
"Well I guess all of a sudden everything got on top of me like work and personal life clashed, I let my boss down and I got into trouble for it... Which I deserved, it was more that I was also disappointed in myself... My job is my life" I explained and then it went quiet "ok, sorry... How long ago did you do it" Louise apologised "don't be sorry, erm just before I came here" I explained a little more. "Have you ever done it?" I questioned "yes... That's why I asked because I get it you no" she winked and then looked at her watch "shit I better go... I'm meeting my brother Ollie in the morning to go away for the weekend, so I guess this will be the last time I see you? " she looked sad, "I guess I should be off to, I have to analyse my week here, fun! Awrr I'm going to miss you, however like you said we have each others numbers so why don't we meet up?" I smiled to reassure this wouldn't be the last time we saw each other, and she new it. We had become great Bring in leavers book + find it for last day of school :) over the last week. "Sounds good, it should be great. Text me yeah?", "of course" I winked and then we hugged each other goodbye... Or goodbye for now.
I returned to my hotel and fell straight asleep.
I woke up to my alarm, I had a busy day to go over my week at the school. I showered, and got ready as usual. I had to plan my surprise for Lorraine to, as I was coming home on Monday evening.
I carried on with my work and wondered what Lorraine was doing right now...
Good chapter? What do you think of Louise? What will the future hold?
Thanks for reading ;) x

Wanted Love (Waterloo road/leabians)
FanfictionAfter Lorraine's and Nikki's passionate kiss, where will this lead?