Chapter 3 -
Lorraine Donegan
Another day at Waterloo road!
1 hour to go until I could go home, don't get me wrong I loved this place! But it had been such a long week, and to be honest I was looking forward to spending my whole weekend with Nikki, it had been two weeks since are first kiss.
*Bell rings
I packedup my office space and got a few things ready for Monday. Then I gather my things and started walkin to the car, where I said I'd meet Nikki.
As I walked outthe double door entrance of Waterloo road I could see Nikki waiting by my car, I smiled while getting shivers all over my body. As I walked a little closer "Hello hottie" she winked at me, I put my hand round her waist and whispered into her ear "I've been looking forward to this weekend all day" as I pulled away I let my hand follow all the way down to her bum, and then letting it fall down beside my waist. Nikki and I smiled at each other. "So shall we get this show on the road?" I flirted. We both got into my car and drove to Nikki's to pick up her stuff.
Pulling outside Nikki's house "Right, I shan't be long, my bags are by the door. Don't miss to me, she winked while kissing me on the lips" we both laughed "Oh I will" I flirted back while biting my lips, I knew Nikki liked this..... Nikki got back into the car and we drove to mine.
Right, home sweet home for the next two days" I winked to Nikki, then she took my hand and stoked my face, this gave me the shivers. We both laughed, and smiled which we always seamed to do. Then we both started to kissing each other, that magical moment, and cries came from both of us, are tongues kneading each others. We both then got out the car and running around each side of it are lips met again. Nikki pushing backwards through the front door took hold of me "sorry" she said out of breathe, then I kicked the door closed with my foot. Speeding up are kissing Nikki pushed me against the wall opposite to the lounge, I gave out a little cry. Are bodies extremely close, I then pushed her in the direction of the lounge still kissing. We went through to the lounge, turning around Nikki pushed me onto the sofa while taking her jacket off are lips met once again, while she laid her body on top of mine, she started kissing my neck which drove me crazy, this made me push my body up, which made are bodies even closer with only material that lay between "ugh, Nikki!" I cried, she was really driving me crazy. She pulled me up from the sofa, my hair such a mess mine and Nikki's lips met again, she pulled me closer and we hit a wall again, this time she was the one between I and the wall. Are bodies close and both of us content.
We pulled away "arhhhh, Lorraine you drive me crazy"... Nikki said breathless. We both smiled, I was so turned on by her actions.
Now we had caught are breathes back a little I cooked up something easy for dinner.
Nikki already sat at the table I dished up and we eat are food. Neither of us speaking much at dinner accept teasing and flirting with each other, playing with are hair and are feet touching and playing with each other.
After dinner I helped Nikki in with her stuff for the weekend. Then took it upstairs and put it in 'her room' "I'll leave you to get ready" I said with a smile, "you can come and keep me comfy if you like" I winked and this made Nikki smile. I left the room to go and get ready myself, I put my shorty pjs on. Brushed my teeth and got into my bed. I was checking my emails on my iPad, then my bedroom door opened, "I thought I'd take you up on your offer" she winked at me. Then crawled from the bottom of my bed to the top, I put my IPad aside. I wasn't under the duvet and I only had short pj's on, Nikki ran her finger from the bottom of my foot to all the way up to the too the top. This turned me on and I gave out a little breathe, "Lorraine I'm not turning you on an I?" She winked, this made me laugh. "Course not".... "Come closer" I whispered. Nikki through the duvet to the very bottom of the bed, then she started crawling back up, like a lion about to bounce on its prey, she crawled up so she was on top of my body and let herself lay down on top gently. "Is this close enough?" Lorraine whispered back. She grabbed hold of the head board and pushed her body into mine, it was like are bodies were touching although there was thin pieces of fabric in between. "Ugh" I gave out a little cry, then she sat back, sitting where my legs begin and then laying down again, running her body up and down mine. We both gave out cries, "do you want to go all the way?" Nikki offered, I knew this was coming and how much I really did I just didn't no whether I was ready. "It's up to you" Nikki whispered into my ear, "I do, I really do! Nikki, but I don't no whether I'm ready" I said honestly "I'm sorry" Nikki smiled and throw a pillow at me "Don't be sorry, I'm happy to wait I love you, and want you only" Nikki and I smiled, I really admired her for this. Then she pulled up the duvet and we started tickling each other before falling asleep.
Waking up to Nikki wrapping her arms around me was the cutest thing ever! I smiled and doing this I gave out a little laugh "your awake then" Nikki said yawning "was I cute sleeping" I flirted, "oh yeah defiantly, do you mind if I go and have a shower?" Nikki flirted back "Yeah course" I offered then she opening me door "don't miss me to much" Nikki was so flirty sometimes, it was so cute. I missed her already, I decided I was going to join her in the shower and started walking slowly (so she wouldn't hear) down to the bathroom. I opened the door and started getting undressed then I got into the shower, "fancy anything you see" I flirted... This was the first time we had seen each others bodies. "You are one hot women" Nikki said with a sound a naughtiness in her voice, "come closer", Nikki also flirting. Then she pulled me in close, are naked bodies touching I started kissing her neck, pushing her into the wall I moved up to her lips, biting gently and then exploring her mouth, "m-m-more,!" Nikki cried, so I started playing rougher. Bitting each other and leaving marks on one and others bodies.
Water spraying everywhere, are body parts touching the opposites, this made Nikki Moan and give out a little cry, this gave me the shivers. Nikki bite my lip whilst we were kissing, this made me hold her tighter leaving a mark on her body where my hand had been. Nikki then got the soap and washed my body, I did the same in return... Washing every part of each others body. Then we both got out, still playing rough we dried each others body's, gently I grabbed a towel and rubbed her legs dry, starting from the bottom of her foot. She started moaning, then we played rough while getting each other all dry, "I bet you wanna get me all wet again now" Nikki flirted "hahaha" this made me laugh so I went to slap her bum, Nikki went to grab me but I ran out the door so she ran after me. Running around the upstairs naked I ran for my bedroom, then Nikki caught me "got you" , Nikki pulled me around her body and in close to her pulling me tighter. Then she pushed me down onto her unmade bed, she ran her hand down my body, over my breasts and all the way down to where my legs started, this made me shiver and give out a little cry" she ran her tongue over my stomach while running her hands up and down my legs. I started moving my fingers in the sheets while she played with me. Nikki ran her finger over my breasts, then I got up and Nikki picked me up by the waist, so I put my legs around her while kissing more passionate. "I can't get enough of you" Nikki said breathlessly "I feel the same" I said back completely out of breath. Obviously we had to stop at some point so we both decided to get dressed.
Once we ate breakfast, I went to get Nikki's plate but we both put out are hands which met halfway. We smiled and pulled them back. "Can I ask you something" Nikki asked ... It was a bit weird but "yeah sure" I reassured her, "erm... So like are we together or not... I'm just a little confused"... Hmm.. I was a little shocked by this and to be honest I was a little confused to. "I get what you mean, I care about you I really do so let's just see how things go" Nikki seemed fine with this, "yeah sure" she smiled.
Spending the rest of the day walking and talking around the estate, we came back home for some tea. A little while later we decided to go to bed, all the walking had tired us out. Getting undressed, Nikki pulled me into her naked body. And we started kissing, she was such a good kisser. It was so passionate, are tongues kneading the opposites, then we fell into bed. I laid my head on top of her stomach listening to her heartbeat, "It's so amazing......the heart", Nikki smiled "your so cute Lorraine" ... After this it didn't take us long to fall asleep.
Thanks for reading! :) I really appreciate it.
Chapter 4 is coming soon.

Wanted Love (Waterloo road/leabians)
FanficAfter Lorraine's and Nikki's passionate kiss, where will this lead?