Chapter Sixteen: Beach City's Last Stand: Part Two: The Hold Off

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-Steven's POV: It has been two and a half days since RR has declared war on Earth, we have successfully trained majority of the town and national guard have come to aid. I lay next to Connie as the crimson red robots and ships slowly come into orbit,she seems off about something. "Connie, are you alright? You've been acting strange, you haven't talked to me at all the past few days." -Connie: "I'm fine!"- She got up and walked off next to the tree that our first date took place. "Come on, you can tell me anything. If it's something I won't like, I'll still love you." I gently lift her head lookinv at me as I kiss her. "Honest." Her eyes get stars into them. -Connie: "Alright, in one of my dreams, I'm walking down a black hallway...and"- She starts crying. -Connie: "Look, I really don't want to talk about, so please forget this happened."- "Alright, but just know, after this, if you feel better, I want to talk." I kiss her on the forehead and walk off the hill. "Garnet how close are they?" -Garnet: "Exactly one minute and twenty seconds away and counting."- I look to the crowd of humans, at least fifty people from Beach City and the other three hundred thousand are national guard. "Alright, war from another planet is about to happen," -Garnet: "Fourty seconds."- "I can't guarantee any of your survival. If any of you want to leave now, I won't think bad of you." No one moves a muscle. "Ok then I want light cannons and tanks on the hill the first ships are landing, close the barricade and gunman get on the tops, aim for the gemstones on their bodies. Keep the swordmen cover when we open the doors. GO!" The ships opened and thousands of those red guards came out and charged instantly, the tanks blew them up to bits, seeing nothing but gem shards rain. "Snipers, FIRE AT WILL!" They let loose clips into their bodies, seeing poofing all around. "Garnet, Pearl, fuse into Sardonyx. Amythest stick with me and Connie. SWORDMEN TEN SECONDS, PREPARE!" After those quick adrenalinated seconds, the doors opened to see thousands of red guards at the gate waiting. "CHARGE!!!" They rush out onto the battlefield, I easily see three of us get slaughtered, so I jump over the wall with Connie holding my hand, Sardonyx and Amethyst join as we land into the middle of an ocean of blood red. Connie and I instantly fuse before our feet hit the ground. (Ok, the S* and C* are returning :D Hooray for no conFUSION, ehhhh, no....ok enjoy the rest of the chapter.)

Stevonnie's POV: "Heya fellas!" We smash two of the guards' heads in so deep, that when they poofed, their gems were automatically stuck together. S*:"Cool!" I smash the gemstones to dust with Stevonnie's new power boost. I use a super shockwave bubble to push some away that were a bit too close. (3rd person time!) (We quickly forge the Star Spear and bull rush into the far left, almost smashing into a tank missile.) *S: "Almost forgot, Connie control the legs for a sec. "*C: "Ok." *S: "If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." *C:...What?!?!" «BOOOOOM» (Four Light Cannons shot into the air, each taking out two ships, making them crash onto the battlefield. Not only killing tons of foes, but making the battle look more badass.(PS, I removed the PG rating for most things. Have fun!!!)) *C: "HOLY CRAP, THOSE ARE LIGHY CANNONS!?!?!" (She asked as Stevonnie stabs three guards at the same time, kicking two others heads off, then smashing all five poofed gems into each other. All in four seconds.) *S: "Woah. sweet colat!" *C: "Call of Battlefield Kombat X really pays off you know." *S: "I can tell." (He says as he dodges a guards stab with his longsword, then People's Elbowing him into the sand, smashing his gem instantly. *S: "Man, he went down like a bi-- "<Rumble>(A twelve foot giant of a quadruple fusion steps out of the first robot to land on the right side of the beach.) Stevonnie: " Scuse' me gents, but bigger things are ahead. ( She deforms the lance back into a blade and chopping all their thighs and legs off, poofing them all, Stevonnie jumps out the smoke and reforges the spear then starts spinning in mid-air until she looks like a drill and goes straight through the fusions brain only to see Amethyst wrapping the behemoths legs up.) -Amethyst: "COME ON, I HAD HIM! >:("- (She says as she does a side spindash with her whip slicing twenty guards.) *S: Sorry hehe. -Pearl: "Will you two stop chitchatting like a war isn't going on."- *Slow claps start as the army of blood and crimson stop swinging* -RR: Great Job, but if this continued for ten more minutes, your tanks would have run out of ammunition and lost the battle. So my army will wait for a surrender and instant execution of all of Earth's inhabitants or I just kill all of you slowly." |To be Continued.|

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