Chapter 22

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*Liz's P.O.V.*
*facepalm* "Idjit" I whispered
Why did I bring this weird person here. I should have left her in the store.
"Why did you say BILLEH screech? How did you even come up with that?"
"Because the voices told meh, what do you bloody think I have an imagination!"
"Well then, Liz you can show this... Person around the bunker me and Crystal are going to go get food and stuff cause someone" Kat glares at BILLEH when she says someone "decided it was a good idea to eat all of the food"
"Hey I was hungry and you have yummy food can you blame me"
I look between the two who are having an intense glaring contest. I swear to god I'm the most responsible out of everyone. And I'm the youngest!!!!
"Katherine you were gonna go and get food weren't you? And BILLEH would you mind letting go of the weird one cause she looks like she is tying to get away"
BILLEH lets go of the weird one. Kat and Crystal quickly grab their stuff and head out to Kats car and go to the shop.
"Okay BILLEH would you mind going and doing... Whatever you do while I show the weird one around the bunker. Kay?
"Kay" BILLEH runs very weirdly to his newly made room and closed the door. Soon after the door closed we heard music blasting from her room
"Okay so this is the bunker. This is the meeting hall type place. Idk that's what I call it anyway."
I point to all of the rooms that belong to people and then I get to the end of the hall where there is a spare room. We made 2 rooms when BILLEH decided to stay just in case we had a surprise guest again.
"If you would like to stay here you can have this room. Get me or Kat the one with purple streaks in her hair and we'll help. Also I'm guessing by your personality that you like books so follow me."
She follows after me into my room. We walk around the bed and desk to a door, I open it and step inside holding the door open for her. Her eyes light up and she runs over to the book shelves. Specifically the fantasy books like Harry Potter and The Lord Of The Rings.
"My library is also connected to your room so you can come and read books in here as well. Just please return them when your done"
"I F***ING LOVE YOU!!!" She squeals running at me with an arm full of books.
"CAREFUL OF THE BOOKS BELL!!!!!!!!!" I scream at her before she stops, puts the books on the table that is in the middle of the room, then continued to launch herself at me knocking both of us over.
"Owwwwwwwww ow ow ow ow cheeses crisps" she started repeating it over and over while slowly getting up.
"Why did you knock us over? You couldn't hug me like a normal person."
"Where's the fun in that?" She said while smiling at me
"Okay well I shall leave you with all of my amazing books while I go and call my dad to see how he and me mum are doing. Okay?"
"Kay. Take as long as you want"
I start walking out of the room before I remember something "Bell on the table is a speaker that has Bluetooth if you want to hook your phone up you can play music. Cool?"
"Yep. Now shoo go and call your parents" she said while shooing me out the door.

*Isabelle P.O.V.*
THERE ARE SO MANY PRECIOUS-Z TO READ!!!!!!!! But which to read first is the question. I mean there's so many and they are all equally amazing except twilight which is just *insert mental shudder here* eughhhh. Why is twilight even here?? GET THE GODZ DAM SALT AND BURN THE BITCH!!
I look through the shelves trying to find a preciouz to read. It takes some time but I finally do.
"What to read, what to read...OMG YASSSSSS MORTAL INSTRUMENTS F***K YEAH!" I scream reaching for city of lost souls and plop down into a beanbag, I flip to the start and start to read about what my babies have been up to.

I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop open making some more music when I feel a gush of wind hit my face, then a something lands on my legs.
*Insert BILLEH screech* Jesus of the frying pans!" I scream in pain, I look down at my legs to see the crazy girl from before sitting on my legs reading.
"What the hell are you doing on my legs!" I scream at her, she cuts me off by shoving her hand against my face.
"Shhhh bitch! I'm up to the best part, so insensitive" she says pushing my face around with her hand while still reading the book.
"How the hell did you get in my room!" I mumble through her hand, I don't know why I'm not moving it off my face. She looks up from the book and looks around my room and then at where she's sitting, she's lucky she landed there and not there...
"Huh, I'm not in the library and more BILLEH... Or this is a very messed up parallel dimension and your not really Billeh!" She says smooshing my face even more with her hand.
"Whuhy awe yu scuishing mah fash?" I said slightly muffled by her hand
"I don't know your face looks squishable." she said while shrugging and reading her book still. She finally removed her hand from my face.Why wasn't she even trying to get up or leave she's just sitting there reading.
"Soo.... You gonna go back to library any time soon or are you just gonna keep on sitting on me?"
"But the library is so far..away" she said while dramatically reaching for the door putting down her book for a second. How is it far away it is literally across the hall.
"It's across the hall it's like 10 steps. And why don't you just teleport back there again?"
"Well maybe because I don't exactly know how. I did it on accident while I was reading the awesomeness that was The City of Lost Souls"
"So your just gonna stay here then until you finish the book then?"
"Yep! Unless you feel like carrying me?"
"I would rather not carry you. I can tell you are as heavy as a whale just by you sitting on my legs" that sounded mean but, hey I have said it already
"OH HELL NA MADER ASSHOLE! YOUZ A DEAD SON OF A BISCUIT!?!?!" She screams diving on me, she starts punching me in the gut and then knees me in the balls. At that time Liz walks into my room
"Hey have you seen Isabelle anywhe...."
HELLO I hope you all liked my last chapter. I stayed at my friends the last two night and she helped my write about the new character Isabelle who is based off of her in real life.

So just to shorten that my friend is very crazy but good at writing so she can stay...for now. So cause she is helping me I am dedicating it to her TheNerdCorner you don't have to go look at her account.

Anyway enjoy have a good morning/lunch/day/night what ever it is where you are.


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