Chapter 4

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As I woke up i realized what had happened yesterday. I had finally gotten adopted and i now live with Team Crafted!! I had my own room and i got along with everyone in the house. Then i remembered how Crystal got adopted by PewDiePie. I still found it hard to believe that this was actually happening and this was'nt a dream. Just to make sure i pinched myself and let out a Small yelp as it hurt.

I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes for my first day of school YAY, note the sarcasm?((A/N Need a name for the school)) I had a quick shower and then got into the jeans and light blue blouse, brushed my hair and teeth. when i walked down stairs I saw Jerome cooking something but due to the smoke that was everywhere he wasn't doing a good job.

"Hey Jerome" I said as I stepped into the room "Do you want me to make something quickly?It looks like your having some trouble"

"Yes please if you don't mind?"

"Nah i don't mind i actually like cooking" I quickly grabbed some things out of the fridge to make eggs and bacon and started cooking. After a minute all of the boys and Ashley were down stairs sitting at the table waiting for the food. I handed each of them a plate and sat down with mine and started eating

"Wow Liz this is Great where did you learn to cook like this?" Jerome asked

"I liked to cook most of the food at the orphanage with the cook because I wanted to learn"

When we were finished I grabbed my bag and started to walk to the bus stop just down the road when I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. As soon as i felt the hand I quickly whipped around facing Crystal "JESUS CRYSTAL YOU SCARED THE SIZZLE OUTTA ME!!" I scolded her which only resulted her laughing her head off which I quickly joined in.

As we walked the rest of the way to the bus stop we were wondering what the school was going to be like. When we reached the bus stop there was only one other person there, a girl. When the bus arrived we got on and sat in the seats behind the girl from the bus stop.I saw she didn't look like she had a lot of friends so I leaned forward so that my face was above her seat and asked "Hi! Whats your name? Mines Elizabeth but please call me Liz and that's Crystal" I said and also pointing to crystal when I said her name

"Hi! My Name is Kathrine nice to meet you guys are you new here?"

"Yeah we got adopted by some people so were starting school here" This time it was Crystal who spoke


"Hey Kathrine do you want to hang with us for the rest of the day?"

"Sure i would love to!" for the rest of the bus ride we talked about random stuff and asked a lot of questions about the school ((A/N Still Need a Name)). when we arrived at the school we got off the bus and kathrine showed us where the office was so we could get our locker and schedule. When we got our lockers we found out that we were all next to eachother and had all the same classes. When we had all our stuff in our lockers we headed to our homegroup to start the day.


((A/N Hey guys probally gonna update another one today but that will be later bye and dont get into to much trouble



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