Chapter 12

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As i got the things ready for my prank the boys got ready for theirs. We decided that we could prank the all quicker if we did a boy each. I got Quentin, Adam got Ian, Mitch got Jason and Jerome got Ty. We had everything ready but we had to wait till they were asleep so we could prank them While we waited for night I went over to Kathrine's house and git her then went over to Crystals to see how she was. When I knocked on the door Marzia opened it and greeted us "Hey girls how are you?"

"Better now that we're home but can we talk to Crystal?"

"Sure girls come on in and by the way Kathrine I love you outfit!"

Kathrine blushed a little bit then thanked Marzia. She led us to a room in the house that must be Crystals. Marzia left us to talk with Crystal. Kathrine opened the door silently. When we walked in we saw Crystal on her computer with her headphones in laughing at something and her back towards us. W quietly walked up behind her and then jumped in front of her which scared her so much the she fell out of the chair screaming "THE BROS HAVE COME TO EAT ME!". We ended up all laughing on the floor because of her reaction. Soon Felix(Pewds) was at the door because he had heard her scream but just laughed and walked away when he saw me and Kathrine.

We all just talked a bit about what was happening our homes. I told the girls about the prank and they thought it was hilarious. After a bit Crystal went to get a glass of water. we all moved into her dining room and sat infront of the fire that they have in there because it was a cold day. We sat and waited for Crystal to come back. when she did she tripped over my foot and the water spilt and was gonna land on Kathrine but it stoped in the air just above her head when she put her hand out.

We all sat in shock for a minute till kathrine put her hand down and the water then fell onto the carpet 'How did she do that?'. Crystal asked the question that i had been thinking "Kathrine how did you do that?"

"I don't know"

"Well why dont you try and lift the water again to see if it does the same thing?" I asked after a while. She lifted her hand up and the water that had soaked up in the carpet lifted up to. She directioned it to go into the glass that now sat upright on the floor. When she made the water move her eyes shone a light purple

"That is not normall right?"

"No" Me and Crystal answered her "also when you made the water float your eyes glowed purple"

"Thats awesome!" she replied. we talked a bit for a while when Crystal started making hand motions with her hand and the fire was follolwing her hands.

"Umm Crystal look at the fire" She turned around and the fire was moving side to side. "Now move your hands"

She did as i said and the fire started to move with her hands. "Well now at least im not the only one that can move things" Kathrine said with a smile on her face. We talked about the 'powers' as we called them for a while till i asked "do you think this has anything to do with the stuff the man that enjected us with the stuff and our eyes?"


Hey guys so school starts again soon (*Crying in my room*) I don't like school but I go so I can see my friends.

My birthdays coming up soon and I am gonna update next on my birthday

Hope you guys like the chapter be sure to vote comment or fan



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