Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day and got ready for school. Adam said that if I didn't feel up to it that I could stay home but I was fine. I went down and found Adam attempting to make pancakes but most of them were really dark brown or black. after watching him for a while I walked in and said "I don't think you should be cooking Adam"

He jumped scared by me being there and then answered me "Yea I don't think I'm good at dis"

"Would you like some help them because black pancakes aren't really that nice to eat y'know"


Adam threw all of the burnt pancakes in the trash while I got all the Ingredients I needed and started making new ones. When I looked in Adam's mixture before I found something that wasn't supposed to be in there "Umm Adam where did you put the eggshells?"

"In the bowl why" When he answer that I face palmed 

"Adam there supposed to go in the bin not the bowl you cant eat them"

"Oh I totally knew that I was testing you"

"Sure" With that I kept on making the pancakes. Soon after I had the conversation Jerome and Mitch came down and talked in quiet whispers with Adam but loud enough that I could hear what they were saying every now and then.

"So tomorrow who are we pranking?" I think that was Jerome 

"Ty, Quentin, Ian and Jason" That was Mitch.

I made the pancakes and then the rest of the crew came down. I had a few special pancakes made for Jason the were the shape of pigs and Bacon 'cause i thought that would be funny. When he came down he sat in his seat and then looked at the only pancakes that were left because I asked the rest of the guys and Ashley not to eat them he ran out screaming

"I WILL NOT EAT JEFFREYS EVER!!!" Every one else was laughing at that and I went up to say sorry to Jason and to give him some normal pancakes. I knocked on the door where Jason opened it and said "YEAS" in the most creepiest voice he could that left me rolling on the floor laughing. I gave him the pancakes and said sorry then went down stairs where Mitch was waiting to take me to school because they all thought that would be safer then catching the bus. They all have gotten more protective of me since I was kidnapped Its annoying but nice to know that they care.

We got in the car and stared driving and then I asked "Can I help you prank Ian, Ty, and Quentin plz"

"How did you know we were gonna prank Dem" He said looking starteld

"I heard you talking in the kitchen and I wanna help"

"Ok as long as you promise not to tell them"

"But wouldn't that ruin the whole prank?"


"So what are we gonna do to Dem?"

He then explained the plan to me which made me laugh when he was finished because it was really funny. When we got to school I said goodbye and gave him a hug and hen started walking to Kathrine who also was driven to school because of the same reason, Overprotective family. Crystal decided to stay home today and help pewds with recording stuff.

"Hey how are you?" Kathrine asked when she saw me coming towards her

"Good. I talked to Isaac last night he was really worried about me" I gave her a small hug then we started walking to our lockers and then class. School was boring like always we had a few tests but besides that it was boring. Jerome came to pick me up from school. When I got home I helped the boys get ready for the prank.


Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting its just the last few days of school had big tests and then on the weekend I went to a party not the cool type BTW for my baby cousin

I should be posting kinda normally now anywhoo. MY BIRTHDAY (KINDA) SOON gonna go to the movies to watch Captain America Winter Soldier hope its good.

Thanks for so many reads too. 500 is alot for me so thank you soo much and plz vote if you enjoyed and comment any improvements that I could make or for the prank in the next chapter ;) 

Well I gotta go now soo



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