Chapter 19

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*7 months later*

Billy P.O.V

(Pronounced Bill-EH)

I was going down the dirt bike trail in the woods to my house. I see this old guy standing in the middle of the Track.

"Get out of the way Be-ach!" I screamed at him while still going down the track. He ends up looking up at me and all i can see is a blinding white light where his eyes should be. out of shock I forget to brake. I swerve to miss hitting him and brake hard and end up in a tree. Don't ask me how I got up in the tree I just am.

I see the old guy disappear into thin air and 3 girls appear in the tree lines. i see them running towards me

"Aw shit i'm gonna pass out" I say. I feel myself starting to pass out and close my eyes. I feel myself fall out of the tree and hit something soft.

Liz's P.O.V.

We were tracking Herobrine into the woods because he was in our school this morning. He has been tracking down other people who have powers. So far he hasn't gotten anyone that lives close to us but we don't know about anywhere else.

All of a sudden I feel some animals moving away from an area in the woods.

"Guys I think he may be over there but I think there is someone else coming"

"Well you lead Liz since you know where your going" Kathrine said while letting me pass her.

We slowly move towards the area. When we get there we see Herobrine for a second before he teleports. We also see a guy in a tree and a dirt bike and the bottom. How the he'll did he get up in the tree?!?

All of a sudden the guy talks "Aw shit I'm gonna pass out" then he falls out of the tree. I hear Crystal behind me start laughing while me and Kat go and see if the guys OK. He seems fine but just to be sure we're going to take him back to out little Bunker in the woods just to make sure.

*$2 Hours later *
We sit in the Bunker waiting for this guy to wake up. me and Crystal are in our small game room that we put in while Kat is on instagram and stuff watching the guy. All of a a sudden we hear the guy start to scream.

" Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little make-up
Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up (hide the scars to fade away the...)"

Did he just scream the lyrics to a song??((Chop Suey by SOAM))

Me and crystal pause our game and quickly run into the room he was in to find him standing on top of the table.

"Hi... So does anyone want to tell me where the he'll I am??" He says while starting to sit on the table.

"Well before we tell you can we know you name?"

"Its Billeh"


"Yep that's my name now where am I?"

"Well this is sort of like our man cave" Crystal says

"Doesn't really look like much" he said looking around the room

"That may be because this is only one of the rooms" Kat said while opening the doors but by using her earth element since the door was made out of wood.

I think the guy may be freaked out because he screamed and I mean really screamed. We blocked our ears and I glared at him

"Dude shut the fudge up"

"But she just...did you see... the door...WTF"

You must be wondering 'why did Kat use her powers in front of him?' Well that's because while hew was passed out I did a spell to see if he had any powers and it seemed that he did. If he knows about them or not we don't know

"Hey Billeh do you happen to have something special about yourself like that?" I said to see if he knew or not

He looked at me cautiously "Maybeh. Why?"

"Then why were you so freaked out when Kat did that" I said motioning towards the open door

"Because I didn't expect it"

"OK then do you want to check our our Bunker?" Crystal said while walking out the door

Billeh shrugged and slipped off the table "sure"


How are you guys? I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

So over the next few chapter there will be 3-4 new characters to help with the story plot.

So I hope you guys have enjoyed and I shall see you soon

***I am sorry for all the skipping but I am trying to add someone in and I need to skip ahead a bit because otherwise he will pop out of nowhere***


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