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 As i come to i see Laxerias walking away with a strange man i do not know when i stand up i notice I'm  on all fours son of a bitch i returned to  my true form which only means that the robed men were working for, i turn around and see an army of demons and standing in the center is non other than Ruby. she says" Shadow my dearest it took me so long to find you but now you can come back with me and become the king of demons so we may finish this war with you and your undead pack of wolves who cant be killed."

  I respond with a bark and growl, i look to my left and right to see my pack surrounding me i look back to see Hex staring at me in horror i bark at him telling him to run. Ruby says" So be it do what ever you have to find a way to kill the pack just bring him to me alive."

   I begin to charge toward the army of demons before me with my brothers i lunge at the General of her army seeing as to she has disappeared and tear my fiery teeth into his throat and gouge at it till there is a hole thru his neck. when i look back up from my now dead opponent i hear a strange sound i turn to see Hex screaming louder than a screaming eagle he then runs off which surprises me and the battle goes on with the army of demons at the end of the day  we have the last survivor surrounded he begins to notice there are more wolves than before i look at him and use my human voice to say " its magnificent isn't it my power you see these wolves are not only immortal but with every enemy i kill we gain another member of the pack from the soul of the deceased now you are being permitted to live go tell Ruby what i have told you and tell her to stay away id hate to see her pretty throat between my teeth."

  He then disappears even tho i can still smell the stench of their flesh which is that of a dead person. i then turn back into my human form and begin to look around and notice Hex is gone well i might as well hunt down the men who took Laxerias.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  6MONTHS LATER

   As i was walking thru the door of a shabby looking building i smelled smoke and blood due to my sensative nose i walked into the room i thought the smell was coming from . When i walked in i saw a chared and mangled body buried under some ruble the demons had been here and so had Laxerias. I began to leave when i was ambushed the demons had gotten their hands on tranquilizer darts and shot me all over with them as i lay there losing conciousness i saw ruby aproaching me. she said" good like this he cant resist us take him back to Hell where we can torture him till he gives in."  Before i passed our i jumped out and lashed my claws at her which cut three deep red marks into the side of her face which i knew would leave a scar. I then passed out.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 years LATER

    When i awake i notice i am still chained to the wall of my prison when i look up i see two demons at thhe entrance to my tiny cell. Ruby begins to walk in and i see that she took off her bandages but it did not help her face is already scared from my claws. I say" Well you face isnt pretty no more is it Ruby turns out the tears of a phoenix do not work on Evil Maniplaative Harlets because if it did you would still be beautiful." 

  She responds" My dear Shadow you might want to watch your toung because as of today you will be my husband i have sent demons to the human world to hunt down Anna."

   You fucking whore dont you dare let them cock sucking devils near her if they so much as hurt her i will fucking kill you, i do not care if you are her mother."

 She begins to laugh. As my rage begins to fill my soul i cannot take it i begin to turn into my tru form. A pack of vicious wolves a total of 34 in all with the same markings but different colors i order my kin to attack and kill every last demon in this hell. Toward the end of the battle i lash out with my teeth and tear open the throats of two of the guards when i look up a man with a red chain is running towards me. I charge towards him but before i  sink my fangs into his throat he wraps the chain around my body  which burns worse than any hell could i then jump toward him agan and rip the flesh from his throat i begin to taste blood and flesh as  i eat his throat he lays there dying and ruby just stares at me looking in horror at the pieces of meat hanging from my teeth andgums at the bloody snout of what once her husband.

    A strange mist begins to surround my pack and everything goes black.

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now