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  As  i walk into the cave i look around and see the strange symbols from the traps Narfi has set. I walk further into the cave and see  Narfi meditating i walk up behind her and poke her in the back of the head and say" Hey i got bad news i need your help scorpion was killed by ruby and her demons we need your tears and magic to bring him back."

   She replies " Oh Shadow i knew you would come back soon you have to help me with the ritual because you will have to give up e soul of one of your wolves to bring him back."

 12 HOURS LATER========================================

 It is 11:00 P.M. at night and we are about to start the ritual  Narfi begins to do some chant i cannot understand and putting her tears in the circle with sand a cactus rocks and a Scorpion tail i pull out a knife and slit open my wrist i then let the blood flow in and reach into mi skin and pull out this black and green orb and throw it in the center Narfi finishes the chant and nothing happens.

 I say " Narfi what is going o-."

  I'm interrupted by a bright light and loud ringing. When the light  dims i see a man laying on the ground curled up  he has black and green hair green eyes and markings wrapping around his arms that lead to his wrist and is shaped like scorpion stingers. He wakes up and looks around before saying" when did i i thought i was dead."

 I reply "  you were we brought you back it took 8 wolf souls to bring you back brother."

  He stares at me before saying " i feel weird Shadow."

 I stare at him puzzled as his body transforms into a giant 20 foot scorpion.

 I say " Narfi what the fuck is happening to him?"

 She replies " he was not strong  enough to come back as a human and fight for your Champion so i made him stronger he is now possessed by the  spirit of the Death scorpion."

 he is black but darker than any kind of black ever seen covered in strange tribal marks that are green with green eye. he then turns back into a human and passes out." Narfi whats happening?" i say.

 "His body is weak  right now he needs rest you need to let him recover." she replies.

I say " Narfi come with us we could use you and your powers some be one of  Laxerias's Wicked Pieces."

 She replies " just because it is you asking i think i will accept the offer." We begin to exit the cave with me carrying the  unconscious body of my brother when we see Hex battling 43 demons. I put Scorpion into the camero and run to help Hex i change into my wolf form and charge toward the enemy soldiers. I lunge at a demon brute that is preoccupied with Hex. I tear into the side of his head with my teeth and bite down as hard as i can he begins to spew black blood and is screaming and hitting at me trying to get me off i then push his head back till i hear a snap and the flailing and screams stop at that instant. When i turn around Hex is using his broad sword to cut of the head of a rather large demon knight. I howl and My pack surrounds the last enemy left who is whimpering and crying at the sight of having all these wolves around him  i use  my human voice to say" I will not pity you cur your master tried killing me and my daughter  she killed my brother who i have ressurected i will not let you live you will dieby these wolves just to show you and your master what a real beast is." i growl and they all lunge at the lowly demon in the center of the circle i hear him screaming begging me for mercy as the tear his flesh to shreds i look and see one of his arms go flying  i  approach the demon who is suprisingly clinging to life and say "may God have mercy on you but i cannot leave you this way and rip off his head with my teeth."

 Then a small wolf cub appears out of no where the new member of my pack i aproach him and say " Have patience little cub one day you to will be a full grown wolf able to tear any enemy to shreds but for you your name will be Kid."

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now