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  Pulling up into the drive way of the apartment complex i pick up scorpion and carry him to the room. When i walk in i see  that Anna is awake and i put scorpion down on the bed Narfi and i sit down and Narfi says " so is this her?"

  I reply " yes ."

   I say" Hallie sweety this is your aunt my sister and the man passed out is you uncle scorpion my brother I'm possessed by the wolf god dirzuce Narfi is possessed by the phoenix Karlia and Scorpion is possessed by the death god Brutus thanks to a curse that Ruby has put on our family you are a demon and angel hybrid you have another uncle Wulvar who is possessed by the dragon lord Hirciest but he is no where to be found."

  She replies" dad i do not know what to say but i trust that you have not been there for me because of mom i do love you and if its true does this mean we have to kill mom."

 I look into her big blue eyes and can tell she wants to know so i say" Your mom has killed scorpion once tried killing you me and Narfi so yes we have to kill her there is no other way."

She looks down but i can tell she understands why we have to do this. Scorpion raises up and looks around before walking to the bathroom without saying a word which worries me at first till i hear the shower turn on. We then continue talking about Ruby and me and how we met and i tell Hallie how its her fault i have these chain shaped scars. We then begin  to pack up our things to head to the oldest fort of fallen angels in North America FORT HOPE. Once the van is packed up i send Anna off with Hex and Laxerias so that she will be safe because i have been hearing the flapping wings of a demon that is strong enough to crush a nation on its own a dragon. When i turn around i see it  a 80 foot tall dragon that is black and red with blood red eyes and talons as sharp as a Katana. Scorpion comes running out and turns into his Scorpion form. I am surprised that he has gotten used to it so quickly. He begins trying to use his pincers to chop a limb of the dragon and poison it with his stinger. the dragon roars and grabs hold of Scorpion and breaths fire which has no effect on the 30 foot scorpions hard armored shell he the lands a sting on the dragon before it bites one of his pincers. then as the dragon begins to bite down as hard as it can scorpion lands sting after sting on the dragon which begins to lose consciousness. Both the Scorpion and Dragon begin to pass out the dragon from poison the scorpion from exhaustion they both turn into humans. Scorpion did not surprise me  the dragon on the other hand was a different story he turned into none other than Wulvar who is almost 7 foot tall with black and red hair red eyes and scares on his face  i begin wondering what the dragon lord was doing here and why he attacked us out of no where. I look at Narfi who had been quiet the entire time  i say" What the hell is going on  almost all the Wicked pieces for the fallen angels are here now."

We put Scorpion and Wulvar in the back of my camero and head off to fort Hope. As we are driving through the  Majove Desert is quiet and comfortable before i start to get a craving for blood and i begin to wonder whats wrong with me.

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now