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     While we are walking outside i remember Narfi had said that i must test my new ability and to do that i must let the insanity out of my body. i begin to think of how i am suppose to do that. I see Laxerias in armor and wielding a sword and shield i look up in the stands i see Queen Gothy and Hallie i look back in front of me i see Hex there in armor now with a broad sword. Narfi then says" You must fight the two of them and the only way for you to win s to turn into the huge wolf you turned into two days ago."

     I look in front of me and i see Hex and Laxerias charging towards me when i turn into my 34 wolves they take a defensive stance back to back and they just stand there i am standing there about 20 feet away thinking of sweet insanity and u begin to crave it blood the flesh to kill and kill and rip the guts from peoples body there is a strange feeling in me when i open my eyes there is a black mist swirling around my body.  I then get this weird feeling  in my body and i cant see then the mist disappears and i see Hex and Laxerias but they are shorter much shorter and i feel like im at least 50 feet tall I'm taller than the training area, when i look back at Hex and Laxerias they are standing there and then out of nowhere they begin to attack me i can feel as their blades make contact with me and i use a paw to throw their body out of the way. I feel to strong for them then i begin to think of the blood that would taste so good the sweet blood that feed me that runs through my body and a red mist appears around my body and when it disappears im human but i have fur claws that are blood red and black i have black fur and red chain shaped markings all over my body the ears of a wolf and the fangs i feel stronger than i have ever been. They just stand there in awe at the new form I'm in when Narfi says" This is unbelievable you power has skyrocketed i look at Laxerias and Hex and i can see their souls inside their bodies i can see their emotions and Hex is a little scared right now i find it funny i  begin to laugh hysterically while they stand there i run up and notice I'm ten times faster I'm disappearing and reappearing to them I'm running around and stopping at random playing with them while I'm running around them i start to sing " cut cut cut slice you in the throat rip out your toung yank out your throat drink up the blood and tear out your heart your life is min and your soul is fucked up."

 To me they are my prey if i wanted i could gut the two of them Hex swings his sword at me which makes contact I'm standing there with his sword in my ribcage and through all the pain i just laugh and grab the sword and break it off in me i pull it out and throw it back at Hex while he is distracted with the broken blade i had ran toward him grabbed him by his skull and smashed it into the pavement and started to stomp on his head while laughing. Laxerias says" I will not let you win this battle i will stop you so you will not kill Hex."

    He then thrusts his sword threw my back and lifts me off the ground I'm there in the air and all i can do is laugh i grab the sword and pull myself towards him i grab him and throws him over me  while i pull the sword out and walk towards him i notice the wounds are healing them  selves i begin to speak in a voice that's not my own i say" this is the power that only the God of sanity and insanity can possess few can wield and control this power you are lucky Shadow can control me and keep himself in line if it were anyone but him you would be dead so consider yourself luck."

  Laxerias stands there confused as i turn toward the Queen unwillingly and say" My lady i am looking forward to serving by your side and i hope this body will be of use to you in stopping  the demons and i shall give this person all my power so that he may stop all your enemys." 

I then kneel before her and when i look up i am me again and Hex is being taken away by the medics and the Queen is standing up and clapping and Hallie is standing there in awe at my ultimate form.  I begin to change back into my human form Hallie runs up and hugs me and says" I knew you could do it you mastered your sanity papa."

  I hug her back and i look up to see Queen Gothy staring at us and smiling i stop hugging Hallie and say " Gothy i think you know who this is by now and that i am still not assigned to a side yet im a free lance knight with no kingdom to serve since the only way any of us can go to heaven is by  destroying the demons may i serve you i will die and be sent to hell if i have to so long as we succeed and Hallie goes to heaven. "

  " But my dearest Shadow you will go no where for you are Gods immortal you may only die when you fullfuil your duty that he has planned for you even tho Ruby cursed you God works in mysterious ways do you not agree."

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now