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When i woke up i saw  that i was chained up again but this time i was sitting at a table and sitting before me was Ruby she just sat there staring at me with her one good eye. A younger looking demon with a torn off wing and arm approached and whispered something in her ear i looked at him and realized i was the one who  injured him. I said" Well if i am correct you are the lucky son of a bitch who i let live 5 years ago to warn Ruby that she would not defeat me let me ask you something do you think of me every time you look at that stub and when you watch the others fly?"

  Ruby spoke up" Leave Darkry alone he has been thru enough with you and he was just telling me how we cannot find Anna you are becoming a thorn in my side now tell me where she is or i will make these chains set you skin a blaze."

 I then spit in her face and told her" it doe not matter what you do because i know you are lying you see i really do have the ears of a wolf i heard what he said you have found her and what you do not know is my trump card."

 She responded with setting the chains on fire and saying" so be it but i warned you now i will send my men to get her." I turned into my wolf form and saw the rest of my pack appear before me i told the  new member to use his teleport magic and we disappeared.

minutes later                                                                                                                                                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   I got up and began to walk toward the light away from the strange darkness i was engulfed in when i passed through with my pack everything was bright and then i saw a parking lot before me as my eyes adjusted i saw them the men in the black robes approaching my daughter.  I rushed towards them with my pack and tackle them to the ground from behind i went after the leader and got lost in my rage towards ruby that i began tearing at his flesh without realizing it i dug my snout into his face and used my teeth to rip out his eye ball but before he could scream i tore out the vocal cords from his throat. He was still alive but bleeding to death i then dug my teeth into his stomach and began to gut him like the pig he was when i stopped to look up Anna was staring at me along with two faces i had not seen in years Hex and Laxerias. I began walking toward them and turned back into my human form i noticed my shirt and pants were torn to shreds and i had scars burned into me that were shaped like chains just like my tattoos. They were from minutes before when Ruby set me on fire. I walked up to Hallie but she passed out right before i could get close enough to say hello. I rushed over to her and held her in my arms i looked at Hex and Laxerias and said " hello my friends it has been a long time before i you ask this girl is my daughter i am a nekon i am the immortal wolf who is not on any side yet i know i look only a few years older than you but the truth is i am over 36 years in age and you  Laxerias have been made the hybrid angel Champion for the fallen angels and you Hex are the knight who is to serve under Laxerias."

 They just stood there staring at me in shock at the friend that they had thought was dead for years. I said " Laxerias where is scorpion he is my ally who was suppose to help you escape.

  "He died." said Laxerias.

 I replied " Dammit OK look we have to find the phoenix so we may can use its tears to resurrect him. First thou i cannot leave until my daughter wakes up so i can protect her.

 Laxerias say" ok but Shadow please explain to us what has been going on these last few years and why you have these scars."

   I reply" Ok well lets see  Well 34 years ago i  met a woman named Ruby she had long black hair and red eyes she was the most beautiful woman on earth to me. Well 3 years after we met we got married and then 12 years after that our daughter was born Ruby always had this wierd thing about her she told me one night she was the queen of demons and proceded to curse me when i took our daughter and ranoff so now im cursed to walk this earth for eternity so i have dedicated it to trying to end rubys life when i started off i was the lone wolf and when i killed people my pack grew and i eventually had the pack i have today."

"That is all i can tell you now  well except for that i know what you to are  from whate the other factions have tolde me" i say

 They stare in awe and then Hallie begins to wake up i get up and walk over to her side i say" good morning sunshine." and brush her hair out of her face i look at her and i can tell she has the spirit of the wolf in her as well as the angel and demon."

   She says" who are you?"

   I reply " i am you r father and i am so glad to see you after all these years rest now while you can becuse soon it will be hard for you to." i put my hand on her head and she  drifts off to sleep.

    I then go to the restroom and turns on the shower i look in the mirror and see the scars that now  cover my whole body. i then begin to have the flash backs from that awful day back in hell the tortures i saw and then darkness. Then without  even relizing that i noticed i had somehow gotten into the shower and bathed my self so i get out  and dry off and put new clothes on with my old chains and head back into the room to see Laxerias and Hex  talking to Hallie  She just gives me a wierd look before saying" Dad i think im a demon."

  I stand there shocked at what she just told me and i wonder if she  even realizes what it takes to even be considered a demon. I reply " you probly just had a nightmare i do not think you are a demon but it could be possible seeing as to how you are the daughter of the queen. On a other note though we need to get the tears of a phoenix and quick so we can ressurect Scorpion. 

  I made Hallie stay at the appartment room with Laxerias due to his strange dream involving ruby and my daughter. Me and Hex were heading towards the  Smokey mountain area to look for my old friend  Narfi who is possesed by the spirit of the phoenix we need her to help bring scorpion back for she is a master in the dark arts. As we approached the cave in which narfi lives i notice a dark looking cloud wall  that has lightening and i ask Hex to stay out side.

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now