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  When i open my eyes i see a bright light that blinds me once i get used to it i realize im in the medical wing and I'm laying in a bed hooked up to machines i look to my left and see Hallie holding my hand and asleep with her head on my bed.i use my other hand to pet her and brush her hair out of the way and she wakes up  obviously very sleepy because it took a few shakes to wake her up. She looks around and sees that it was me who woke her up she wrappes her arms around my neck and says" i was so worried i thought it was my fault you passed out the doctor said that your body is beginning to corrode from your godly blood and that you must master insanity and sanity to live if you do not master it you will become nothing more than a killing machine that will attack anyone on sight."

  My heart begins to sink at the news my daughter has just given  me. She then yells to sum one that I'm awake and Narfi comes in followed by  Scorpion and Wulvar. When i see Wulvar i nearly freak out because he was trying to kill us not that long ago. Wulvar comes up infront of everyone and says" I'm sorry for the trouble you see i got notified  a few days ago that there was people impersonating you because as far as we knew  all of you were dead so i wanted to kill the imposter's till well it turned out you are actually you. 

   I look over at Hallie and say" I thought you were human for so long that the curse did not affect you this war might be over soon with you fighting by our side i have requested for the king  to see you but he might send his queen Gothy she is a very interesting person." I look over and see everyone staring at me and i reply" what the hell are all of you looking at?"

   Narfi says" Shadow you are not  allowed to see the Queen until we get your sanity in order if you master it you will be more powerful than Laxerias."

   I reply " i think i am past that point Narfi no offence Laxerias."

    She says" no i mean  your true  power imagine you turning all of your wolves into on 40 foot wolf that's what you did when you passed out."

   I stare at all of them wondering if they are serious. Wulvar comes up and says" you will start  doing your  mental training at 6 with Narfi, reflex speed training with Scorpion at 11 and then your physical training at 4. I reply " ok bring it on i can take anything you throw at me."



      I am standing outside in the freezing morning air and Narfi is no where to be seen when the intercom comes on and says" Shadow this is the first half of your training you must complete this maze and the challenges as  fast as possible and get past the distractions."

   The gates  in front of me open up i walk inside. I begin to run  in and take the first left and then a right  i come to a dead end and its a wall covered in blood that send my crave running high i fight it off and run back the other way taking a left another left a right a left till i lose count i feel that i will be lost in here i see something pop out of the ground its human flesh i keep craving the desire to eat it i keep running till i fall and i begin to smell blood and cooking flesh i look up and see a bloody knife i lose control of myself I'm no longer in control of my body i reach for the knife but i some how force myself to stop then i grab it with out knowing but i force myself to throw it away. i begin to run and i get my sinses back and i keep taking lefts and rights till I'm at the center and then the intercom comes up"  Shadow do you realize what you have done you have ran this maze made of blood and flesh without losing your sanity ." I look around and notice that the walls are flesh and the floor is blood ant i begin to wonder how i did this because i no longer crave blood or flesh. I think to myself maybe this blood is not so bad after all. I begin to walk out when Narfi comes back on and says" Ok we have decided that this was enough for you since you are walking out of the maze and your not trying to eat it the only thing left is to test your ability to turn into a wolf.

Nekon's The Cursed Ones: SHADOWS POVWhere stories live. Discover now