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"What the hell do you mean you don't sell that here!?", Miss loud mouth practically shouted at me.

"I mean that sushi isn't on our menu so we don't make it, Miss", I spoke in a calm voice. Believe me she was close to letting me hit my snapping point.

"What kind of stupid restaurant is this not having sushi!? I swear I will sue this place if I don't get any sushi!", she growled.

"Are you hearing yourself right now!? THIS RESTAURANT DOESN'T SELL SUSHI!! So you can't sue us for not having something on the menu! Do we look like a Japanese Restaurant to you!? No! So go take your stupid ass somewhere else!", I finally snapped leaving the lady wide eyed and speechless.

I soon notice the restaurant was awfully quiet. You could even hear if a pin dropped. I looked around to find all eyes on me.

The lady got up in fury, huffing and stormed to the front. "Where is the manager?! I want this girl fired!!", she shrieked at the receptionist.

"Miss, calm down", the receptionist tried to calm her.
The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed the manager and spoke to him. "He will be here shortly".

Two minutes after my boss came.
"Is there a problem here?",he asked.

"Yes! This amateur just shouted at me for no good reason! I simply wanted to make my order but she could not grant it!", the lady yelled.

"Miss, I do not appreciate you shouting at me", he turned to me, "Nelson, my office, now".

"But, sir-"

"Now", he demanded and walked back towards his office.

I followed him into his office and took the seat facing him.

"Nelson, I don't like the fact that my costumers are bring shouted at. Your attitude will make us go downhill and I can't risk that", he stated.

"I know, Sir, I've just been dealing with a lot and she started shouting at me because I told her we don't sell sushi then she threatened to sue us-"

"I know your situation, Nelson, but this isn't the first time something like this happened. You have problems that need to be dealt with so you're not a people person so therefore I'll have no choice but to make you resign", he said.

"What!? But Sir!-"

''No, Miss Nelson, you need to get some help to deal with the death of your parents. You are not fit to be dealing with people at the moment. I'm sorry".

My mouth fell open as I gaped at my boss. Well ex-boss. He can't be serious right now. I could feel the sting of tears threatening to come out.

I got up from the seat and without a word I walked out of the office.

"Nelson-", before he could finish the door closed.

I walked out of the restaurant and started crying. I reached my apartment with puffy eyes and a stuffy nose.

I gaped at the sight that was in front of me. All my things from inside my apartment were set neatly outside. I rushed inside to see my landlord and two other guys moving more things.

"What are you doing!? Those are my stuff!", I exclaimed.

"Oh Rebecca, I'm sorry but you are months overdue for your rent and I gave you warning before. I had no choice but to remove you since there is someone else that wants to rent it", he stated clearly.

"What!? Where's Anna? Does she have to move out too?", I asked.

"No Miss Rebecca, Anna's rent is up to date so now she has a new roommate".

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