Chapter 27 • Damage Done •

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Chapter 27 • Damage Done •

I was struggling to open my eyes as a beeping sound annoyed the crap out of me. My lids felt as though they were glued down. Finally, I managed to pry them apart and sighed as I met with light.

I groaned as my body felt numb I couldn't move. Luke then appeared above me with a worried expression plastered on his face. He was talking but I couldn't make out what he was saying so I just stared at him.

He then turned his head, his lips still moving as if he were talking to someone. A woman appeared beside Luke and started talking too.

A few seconds later I could make out her words, "Can you hear me?", her voice thick with a British accent.

I tried to answer but my throat felt like I just visited a desert. She then handed Luke a glass of water and he put the glass by my mouth allowing me to sooth the sandpaper feeling in my throat.

The doctor pushed a button at the side of the bed and it started to move upwards so I was slightly in the sitting position.

"How long have I been out?", I asked as I relaxed against the pillow I was laying on.

"Three days. You've lost some weight and was mildly dehydrated. You'll need to drink lots of fluids and keep a balanced diet for the first week. Then you'll have to work on putting back on the weight you've lost", the doctor turned to Luke, "Can you give us a minute? Maybe notify everyone she's awake?"

"Sure", he kissed the side of my head and exited the hospital room.

The doctor reviewed the clipboard in her hands clicking her tongue, "We've done a few test on you and checked for internal damages. Apart from the noticeable bruises on your face and abdomen you have a few bruised ribs. We'll give you something for the pain and the bruises will fade overtime. You don't have a concussion due to the blow you've received to your head. Now for the most important one", she sighed putting away the clipboard.

"We've done some tests on your blood and found out you were expecting. You were about six weeks pregnant. We've done an ultrasound but we couldn't find a heartbeat. I'm sorry."

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest. I was pregnant.

She killed my baby.

She killed my baby.

She killed my baby.

She killed my baby.

I let out a heart wrenching sob. My first child and I didn't even get the chance to meet them. It hurts. How can I feel so heartbroken about something I wasn't expecting or knew about in the first place. I don't know but it hurts. It was like I've lost a part of me.

I felt so empty inside and I don't know why. My sobs filled the hospital room and I couldn't bare the pitiful look on the doctors place. The only thing I could think about was that she killed my baby.

"I can't tell you exactly why you had a miscarriage but I'll tell you what to expect for the following days", she continued.

"Can you not tell anyone about this?", I croaked wiping my teary eyes with the back of my hand.



It's been four weeks and I still haven't grasped the reality of my lost. I was a weeping mess and no one knew why. I know Luke was worried. He showed it everyday as he helped me.

His face hardens every time he sees my bruised body. I couldn't even feel self conscious about them because I didn't care. It was like I was trapped in a room of grief with no escape.

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