Chapter 7 •Beach Time •

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Chapter 7Beach Time

I buried my face into my hands and groaned loudly. "Luke, what are you doing here?", I basically whined.

"Good morning to you too, Rebecca. Lovely weather we're having isn't it?", he ignored my question. The audacity.

The glare I was giving him made it clear that I didn't appreciate his 'joke'. "I'm going on vacation to this amazing island known as Barbados", he smiled.

"How did you know?", I sighed.

"How did I know what?", he asked feigning innocence which earned him another glare. "I have my ways", he smirked.

I shook my head at him. I just wanted a short vacation from everything but nooo Luke just had to ruin my plan.

"Ugh, please, tell me you're not staying at a beach side condo", my voice filled with hope.

"Do you mean the beach side condo you rented for six days owned by no other but moi?", he asked smirking. Again.

I just grumbled under my breath as a reply. I can't believe this is actually happening. My life changed so much in the last six years. Everyone just switched up.

I should actually be thankful that Anna and Dylan betrayed me. If it hadn't happened I don't think I'd be where I am right now. I just wish my parents were here to see what type of woman I've become. I'm sure they'd be proud of their only child.

I'm not sure if I have any aunts or uncles since my parents never talked about my relatives. The only thing I know is that my grandparents had a feud between themselves and was outraged when they found out that their children fell in love.

They tried to forbid my mom and dad from being together but they flat out refused and that resulted in them being disowned and moving to another state. It was the sweetest thing ever. Five years later, I was born and even years after, their love never faded.

I've always dreamed of having someone to love me as much as my parents loved each other. To have a house and kids of our own. Dylan shattered that dream for me but I still had a little hope. No matter how tiny it was. It was still there.

Once I've stopped living in the past and get myself together I can only hope I meet a guy willing to love me and fix my broken state.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a hand started shaking my shoulder. I looked to find that it was Luke handing me some refreshments from the flight attendant.

I murmured a 'thanks' as I took the tray. We departed about two hours ago and I was restless. Nothing I did took my mind off of spending my vacation with Luke. Alone.

I looked over to see Luke working on his laptop. The space between his eyebrows wrinkled up as he was in deep concentration. It was the most adorable thing ever.

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself for thinking of Luke as adorable. Luke was anything but. That strong jawline with a little stubble made him look more masculine. His sea coloured eyes were so alluring and I just realize Luke was staring at me.

"I'm flattered", he commented with amusement laced in his voice.

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away when I felt warmth make it's way to my face, "Shut up".

He chuckled at my embarrassment, "That blush is cute", he teased.

I punched his shoulder which earned me a laugh. The next few hours I was more relaxed. As much as I hate to say it Luke's company wasn't as bad as I had imagined it would be.

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