Chapter 26 • Come For Me•

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Chapter 26 • Come For Me •

Pain. That's all I could feel. My wrists were tied behind my back with something that was roughly digging into my skin. I couldn't bare to move as it would only make it worse.

I wasn't sure if I was blind or what. I knew my eyes were opened and I didn't feel a blindfold or anything over them but all I knew is this place was completely black with not one ounce of light.

There was a smell I couldn't describe no matter how hard I tried. There was a loud banging sound that came from only god knows where. I jumped which ended up with more pain and my groans.

Light flooded the room and three figures walked in. Cassie and Anna both had wicked smiles on their faces as they walked towards me. The other person was dressed in a long cloak that covered their entire body. I couldn't see the person's face. I saw leather gloves and not one ounce of skin.

The mysterious person stood directly in front of me motionlessly. I gazed up at them and although I couldn't see any features I knew they were staring at me or more like observing.

"Leave", the person told the two girls. That voice.

"...what?", they asked dumbfounded.

The mysterious person snapped their head to the girls, "Leave!"

They scurried out the door leave me alone with this person. My heart rate started to increase.

They took the gloves off their hands. Burnt skin. That's what both hands were covered with. Next was the cloak.

Tears sprung to my eyes as two very familiar eyes glared down at me. I couldn't believe it. This was impossible. She was dead. She had to be. I saw her body being lowered into the ground.

"Mom?", I croaked between sobs.

I heard it before I felt it. I was slapped. My 'mother' just slapped me. My head snapped to the side and an involuntary scream left my mouth.

"Don't. You. Dare call me that", she growled.

My 'mother' looked horrible. To be completely honest. Most of her body was covered with burnt skin. Her face was the worst of all. If it wasn't for her eyes or her voice I'm sure I wouldn't even recognize her.

Metaphorically speaking, my heart was slowly shriveling up in my chest. My lungs didn't seem to be working properly either. This woman was my idol. I looked up to her. I wanted to be just like her. Kind, smart, loving and caring.

Now, I don't even know the person who was staring emotionlessly down at me.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day, Rebecca?", she spat my name. "I waited years and finally got the chance to ruin your life like you did mine."

"What? I didn't do anything!", I whimpered.

"Be quiet!"

I obeyed because I really didn't want things to turn out worse than it already has. The woman started pacing in front of me.

"You ruined my life. I lost my family because of you. If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't have left with your father. I may have been in love but was it worth losing my family over? No! But my baby had to die. After giving up everything it just had to die. What else was I supposed to do? I left my family to make one of my own and I did exactly that. I took you as replacement and I was happy. Too bad that I didn't know taking you was the worse mistake I ever made."

Okay, I think she's lost her mind along the years. She's really starting to sound crazy and it was really starting to scare me.

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