Chapter 3 • Hello, Old Friend •

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Chapter 3Hello, Old Friend

I cannot believe Nate.

To think I actually thought he would let go of this 'I will get hurt' idea. I mentally shake my head as I pinched my nose bridge and sighed.

"Actually no, this is a table for only two", Luke stated simply but I could feel the irritation radiating off of him.

Nate being the smartass he is plucked a chair from a neighboring table and situated it at ours then sank down on it.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I seethed.

"Well...", he trailed off, "since this dinner is to discuss what happens to the companies I think I should be present since, you know, I'm co-CEO and so all", he smiled.

For the next minute we all just sat in this awkward silence and saying the tension was thick would be an understatement.

Nate signalled a passing waiter and ordered his food. "So shall we begin?", he finally broke the silence.

"Oh", Luke cleared his throat, "Yeah, sure".

Our food finally came and we dug in. We talked about finalizing the merge. Our headquarter will be located in between both of our buildings making it easier to get to us other than Nates idea to it being at the other side of town.

Dinner went quite well to say the least. Luke and Nate though, secret glares were sent to each other. They must have thought that I didn't notice but I was well aware. I wonder what their problem was even though it is none of my business.

We finally finished with dinner and being the egotistic males they are they argued who'd pay the bill.

"Would you guys just like, shut up already! Split the god damn bill if it makes you feel better! Ugh", I screeched as I tugged on my roots in irritation.

If you haven't noticed already, I have a short temper. There aren't many things to make me snap so if I do it has to be something that irritates me to my core. I've learned from my therapist to control myself but these two hit a new level of irritating.

They reluctantly agreed to split the bill and I swear I've never been so happy in my life. They finally shut the fuck up.

I sighed and got out of my seat leaving a twenty dollar bill as tip. I made my way out the restaurant and as soon as I got out the door I was slapped in the face by a cold gush of wind and I shivered.

Something warm was placed on my shoulders and I turned to see a smiling Luke behind of me. I then realized it was his jacket that he place on my shoulders. I could not help but noticed his physique. His muscles were well defined beneath his shirt.

I didn't realize I was openly checking him out until I saw the smirked he had plastered on his very alluring, seductive lips. I blushed and quickly looked away. I did not even notice Nate was there glaring at Luke's jacket that was covering me from the cold.

"She will not be needing your jacket since I'll be taking her home", Nate sneered glaring at Luke.

"Actually, I was thinking we could go for a walk and I take her home after. Its quite a beautiful night, don'tcha think?", Luke asked with a smug expression on his face.


"Nate, you should go home without me", I said.


"Oh, my god! I'll be fine, Nate!", I exclaimed. I don't even know what's wrong with me since I've never spoken to him that way. I sighed, "I'm sorry, okay? Just..."

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