Chapter 15 •Turn For The Worst•

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Chapter 15 •Turn For The Worst•

"Oh, my god!", I exclaimed sitting up.

"Wh-how-- I can't believe this! You're brothers!?"

"Yes", Luke stated nonchalantly.

"Is that why you acted that way when we were dancing?"

"Well, if it was any other male it wouldn't make a difference I'd act the exact same way. He just added fire to the flame", he explained.

"Wow, who would've thought", I exhaled.

The thought of Luke And Zayvion being brothers is so unbelievable. First, they look nothing alike and second, they're total opposites.

I wonder if they'd ever leave the past in the past and make up. I've learned the hard way that if you keep living in the past and holding onto things it can ruin you in the long run. It's like holding onto one end of a rope despite the other end keeps tugging to get let free  causing you pain due to holding onto it for too long. Once you let go of the rope then your hand would be free of the pain and get to heal slowly but surely.

Metaphorically speaking that is. I hope they find peace in whatever disagreement they have.

The night was quiet. It wasn't cold but cool. The breeze is really refreshing. This is the first time in a long while since I was one with nature. It was kind of scary though. The place was so dark and the only area that can be seen is where the light from the cabin reaches.

Scary, but being in Luke's arms threw fear out the window.


I've been grumpy since I woke up. Today was our last day in this heaven. Oh, how I wished we could stay here forever.

Luke keep telling me that we could return but the pout on my lips seem to be permanent. Childish, I know, but this was the best break from society ever. No one around but you and your lover. No stress whatsoever. Do you know how it feels to be here away from all that? No. So I'm allowed to be childish.

After Luke so nicely made breakfast we cleaned up and was on our


Opening the door to my penthouse we entered only to be greeted my Audrey pacing the living room. When she spotted us she rushed over to us.

"Did you guys see it? It's bad, it's really bad", she rushed.



She pulled out a magazine and shoved it in our faces. My heart stopped.

'Is the notorious Luke Wilson back at it again?', the head line read. On the cover was a picture of me and Luke in a very intimate position by the lake a few days ago. We were both naked and although our parts were blurred it's pretty obvious what we were doing at that moment.

Tears started to form. 'A photo came in from an anonymous source about Luke Wilson and his new flavor of the month. Surprisingly, it was claimed to be well known business owner Rebecca Nelson.

This is the first time Ms. Nelson was ever seen involved with a male romantically. It was brought to light that Ms. Nelson split from former business partner Nathan Miller just a month back.

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