Chapter 28 • Change •

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Chapter 28 • Change •
-not edited-

I smiled.

For the first time in two months I smiled and it was genuine. The last two months were hell. After finding out about my miscarriage, my parents and my siblings, Nate even understood why I was the way I was. It ruined me and they understood.

They all did everything they could so I wouldn't have anything to stress about and soon it became extremely irritating. Sometimes I wanted to be left alone but every five minutes or so there's a 'Do you need anything?' from one of them.

"What I need is to be left alone", is what I wanted to say every single time but I opted for, "No, I'm fine thanks."

My parents even offered for me to stay with them for a few months to get my mind off of everything. It was a good idea, great even, but Luke had his company here to run and I couldn't leave him when he needed me the most.

After I told him about my miscarriage his whole demeanor changed. He barely smiled, ate, heck he barely touched me in a sexual way. Not that I blame him or anything since sex was the last thing on my mind at that time. He began working himself overtime which had a negative effect on him causing him to collapse in exhaustion one day at work. I didn't have a problem with him working overtime, I didn't even pay attention to the purple bags under his eyes, his disheveled hair or wrinkled suits because I was in my own little world in my head and despite his withdrawal, he always came home. He always told me good morning every time I woke up before he left and I always got a good night's kiss.

I didn't worry about anything until I got a call from his secretary about what happened. I snapped out of whatever mood I was in and rushed over to the hospital where he was carried.

When I saw his sleeping form I broke down. I started blaming myself. If I hadn't told him about my miscarriage he wouldn't have had to grieve. If I wasn't so selfish I'd see that he was hurting just as much as I was but I was too caught up thinking about myself. The only good thought that came to my head was 'At least he didn't turn to alcohol.'

He woke up about eleven hours after I got to the hospital weeping like a baby. I calmed down but started again when his eyes fluttered open. He started crying too. I climbed into the hospital bed beside him and we cried together. All the emotions I felt when I first found out came rushing back. We cried for the time wasted spent blocking out the real world. We cried for everything at once and after that episode and he got discharged it felt like the dark cloud that hung over my head slowly cleared away.

We didn't go back to normal immediately but everyday was a step forward to getting better. Luke stopped overworking himself obeying the doctor's orders and got seven to eight hours of sleep every night. We started eating breakfast together every morning. I made sure I got up with him so while he showered to get ready for work his breakfast was ready.

Everyone gave me my space and I finally got the peace I craved. Seeing as getting out of bed was no longer a challenge I decided that wasting time lazying around everyday wasn't doing me any good.

Today, my company was officially opened. Everything was set. New employees, new office, new everything.

Debra was as overdramatic as always as she placed a huge red ribbon bow in front of the entrance. I had the scissors in my hands then snipped the ribbon. Everyone had beaming faces and cheers filled the air.

I was grinning as arms wrapped around my waist. His familiar cologne greeted my nostrils and I leaned into him.

"Congratulations, my love", he whispered.

I turned in his arms throwing my mine around his neck, "Thank you", then gave him a quick peck.


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