Chapter 21 • Forgive Me •

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Chapter 21 Forgive Me •

Luke's POV

"Why did you keep him from us all this time?", my mother asked staring at Cassie with a pained expression.

"I... I was just scared. I didn't know how you guys would take it since we weren't married", she shifted her gaze to me.

I looked at the little boy who was currently trying to merge to his mother's side because of all the stares he was getting.

"So, where has he been all this time?", I voiced my curiosity.

"My cousin Renée can't have kids so she was ecstatic when I brought the idea to her for her to raise him until I had the guts to bring him out to you guys", she smiled sadly.

"How did Rebecca take the news, Luke?", Nessa smiled shyly sipping her punch through a straw.


My heart dropped and I swallowed, "She didn't take it well", I spoke emotionlessly. There was a long pause as no one said anything.

"I've been doing some thinking on the way back here and I decided that I want to make up the time I lost with my son and I want him to have a family so, Cassie", I got down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

Everyone gasped then squealing met my ears and arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!", Cassie shouted.

"Great! Since Luke's off the market, can I have Rebecca's number?", Tyler chipped in.

The smile was off my face in an instance. I shot him a glare and clenched my jaw. I decided to ignore him because getting angry won't do me any good.

It's now a little after midnight and everyone decided to call it a night.

"Are you staying?", my mother asked?


"Well I guess you wouldn't mind your fiancé and son spending the night with you."

"Of course not", I kissed her cheek and ushered Cassie and Chris out the door.

We got into the car and I drove us to my place. Opening the door for both of them we went inside. I set up the guest room for Chris since Cassie would be sleeping in my room and went to take a shower.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood in front of the foggy mirror. Swiping my hand on it so I could see my reflection I held onto the sink and sighed as I bowed my head.

"Rebecca, please forgive me", I whispered.


I couldn't sleep. I don't know if it was because of Cassie's awful cologne suffocating me as much as her arms around my torso or a specific someone that wouldn't leave my mind.

I couldn't get the look on her face out of my head. A headache was slowly forming. Unwrapping Cassie's arms from around me I got out of bed, grabbed my phone and stepped out of my bedroom closing the door behind me quietly.

The whole place was dark but I knew around the penthouse like the back of my hand. My soft footsteps could be heard as I made my way to the kitchen.

I dialed the number I knew by heart only for it to go straight to voicemail. I called about six more times hoping it would actually ring for once. Luck was not on my side. In a fit of rage I threw my phone at the other end of the room smashing it into the wall.

I ran a hand through my hair breathing fast loudly. The headache started to make itself known and started pounding against my skull.

A bottle of vodka met my vision as I opened the cupboard. The light at the ceiling of the kitchen acted like a spotlight to the much needed bottle.

I didn't even get a glass. I just chugged it down. The burning in my throat didn't stop me. I deserved this. Slumping to the floor I leaned against the island. The empty vodka bottle rolled out of my opened hand to God knows where.

My head started to spin and my vision was starting to blur. 'Rebecca, I love you', was my last thought before I blacked out.


"Luke. Luke?", someone shook my shoulders disturbing my peace. My eyes slowly opened to see Cassie crouching in front of dressed in one of my robes.

I tried to sit up straight but the pounding in my head was much worse than last night.

"No, I'll help you", she took hold of my hand and attempted to pull me too my feet. She was no help really so I helped myself sit up and got to my feet.

"Take a shower and I'll make you breakfast, all right?", she rested a hand on my chest smiling sweetly at me.

I didn't reply I just walked away to my bedroom to get freshened up but not before picking up my now damaged phone. Getting dressed I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out of my bedroom.

"Breakfast will be ready-", Cassie was cut off by the slamming of the front door as I exited.

I hurriedly went to my car and drove off. Thirty minutes later, I got a new phone and was on my way to talk with someone I hope would help me get some answers.



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