Chapter 10 • Cold Truth •

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Chapter 10 • Cold Truth

I just received an email from Nate about the meeting to inform our employees about the splitting of the company. The meeting will be held at our company headquarter today at two and all employees are required to be present.

For the past hour I've been with my real estate agent discussing a suitable location to where my building would be. Most of the locations that she suggested were either too far from where I lived as in about a forty five plus minutes drive from my penthouse or it's not very spacious.

She showed me her last suggestion. It was in the heart of the city about ten or so minutes from my old company. It had good enough space for the building and a small parking lot. We've made an agreement that that is what I want.

After signing some papers I walked her to the door and she went on her way. Audrey hadn't come out of her room since I told her that my real estate agent was coming over to discuss some business.

It was now minutes after twelve and I decided to make some sandwiches for lunch. It's pretty easy and I don't have much time to cook a big lunch and still get ready for the meeting.

After grabbing the required ingredients I began making the sandwiches. I had sliced ham, turkey, tomatoes, lettuce, Mayo, cheese and fresh white sliced bread. I finished in about ten minutes and I placed them on two separate plates.

"Audrey!", I shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes?!", she shouted back.

"Lunch is ready!".

I heard her bedroom door open and her footsteps followed after. She reached the kitchen in seconds and sat at the island as I slid a plate to her. She's been living with me for three days now and is starting to get comfortable.

I'm happy for her though because after fending for herself for so long she needs a break. I mean, she can't live with me forever because at some point she's gonna have to think about her future but I don't mind having her here. It's kind of refreshing talking to the same gender outside of work.

"So, how'd it go?", she asked as she took a bite.

"Well, after an hour of nothing I finally found something suitable. So, all I have to do now is design the structure of the building or hire someone to do it while I handle the decorations of the rooms. It's much easier", I shrugged.

"Oh, that's good. I can help. With the decorations of the rooms, I mean", she suggested.

"Oh, that'd be great. I'd even pay you for your work", I said.

Her face lit up, "Really?".

"Yes, of course. How about I give you the task of decorating the rooms like adding the suitable furniture an so on", I explained.

"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you. I promise I'll do my best", she rushed out as she practically bounced on her seat.

"I don't doubt that. But, remember ergonomics", I said pointing my half eaten sandwich at her. She looked so overjoyed. I don't doubt her abilities but I'll have to go over her work to make sure it fits.

Shoving the remainder of my sandwich in my mouth I placed my plate in the sink and grabbed a small bottle of water from the fridge.

"I have a meeting at two so I won't be back before four", I informed Audrey.

"Oh, okay", she murmured before sipping her canned soda.

I chose my outfit (A/n Picture above) and got dressed. I pinned my hair up then did my make up. I ringed my eyes with eyeliner and applied mascara on my lashes. I chose a brown lip stick to coat my lips with.

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