Chapter Three

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Messiah POV

"So are you going to answer me or sit there and look stupid?" She asked me holding the thong with my pen. I scratched the back of my head. "Why-Why does it smell like a heap of perfume and cologne?"

"Look.....Christina I have been-"

"Cheating? If you are gonna say that then don't even tell me.....thought so just-just leave me alone." She said with a tear running down her face and that broke me.... I never meant to make her cry.

I sighed as she got out of the car. She closed the door without slamming it. She walked off as I sighed.

I headed home wondering what I was gonna do to make it up.




Taniya POV

I was walking home when these girls from school walked up.

"Taniya get yo ratchet ass over here!" Gemmy their leader yelled. I chose to ignore them and kept walking. I already went to a bad school so I chose to ignore it. "Oh so you ain't hear me!? Give me your shoes."

"No." I said as she and her friends laughed. My friend Destiny came up I forgot that we walk to the same place.

" I said give me your shoes!" She said once again.

"I said no!" I was scared even though I had Destiny....we were no match for 5 girls. I walked off as Destiny followed. I felt so scared....I just walked off on Gemmy!

She walked up to me as I seen her in the distance as she pulled put a gun and I froze.

"Should have gave me your shoes." She said with clenched teeth.

She pulled the trigger as my body jerked. I fell to the ground hard, As I clutched my stomach, it was hurting. I felt my self fading out.

"Come on yall lets bounce!" Gemmy said in a panic tone.

"Help someone please!" I heard Destiny yell as I was completely tired. I let my eyes rest, feeling completely useless.




Zadden POV

We we're chillen over Diamond house. Diamond was feeling better so Marquez, Serenity, Diamond, And of course I. We were playing spades.

I got a call.


"Hello is this the guardian or parent of Taniyah Larson?" The lady said. I rolled my eyes thinking its another teacher.

"'s her father." I said boredly.

"Well sir your daughter has been admitted to the hospital, she was shot-" She said into the phone, before I interrupted her. I hung up put my phone in my pocket searching for my keys...I was just starstruck.

"Zadden what the hell happened?" Serenity asked.

"Taniya got shot so we gotta go!" I said as she jumped along with everyone else while I'm still looking for my damn keys and they were right in my hand, I silently cursed myself and rushed out the door. Everyone got into my truck Expedition and I rushed down the road as Serenity was crying on Diamond praying to God.


Everyone was in the waiting room. Jesus, Christian, and Messiah were talking among themselves. Karmela and Kyrie was crying on each other, Kyrie just came out of her hospital room.....with their dysfunctional ass family. Serenity was crying on Diamond's shoulder . Marquez was on his phone yelling at someone until they told him to take the conversation outside, its been six damn hours and  still haven't heard anything. I stopped pacing and sat down as Marquez came back in and sat down next to me and patted my back. I seen a doctor but, didn't get excited like the last ones they were here for someone else.

"Taniya Larson." The doctor said as me and Serenity were scared to get up. I got up and helped her up as we came forward with the doctor.

"We da' parents." I said bringing my Compton voice in me.

"She was shot in the stomach, whoever shot her never had intentions of killing her...or doesn't have good aim." The doctor said as me and Serenity took a breath of relief. "However, we have to keep her to make sure everything is fine and in a few days hopefully this is behind us."

"Can we see her?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure, just bring at least three people and no more." The doctor replied, he turned and walked off.

"Anyone wanna go with us?" I ask as King comes in with a whole brunch of balloons and flowers.

"Where the hell is my damn niece?!" He yelled as people hushed him and he shrugged them off coming towards us as Diamond informed him on everything. "I wanna go in the room."

I nodded and we walked into the elevator after getting told where her room was as everyone went home. It was only Monday and no one had time for that. One month til' summer break and had to be with the my daughter.

I walked trying to keep up with the room numbers as Serenity was walking fast as hell...she was a fast ass reader. She found the room of course, we walked in the room and seen her trying to rip the IV out her arm, Serenity stopped her and King put the balloons down and kissed her forehead as they greeted.

I walked up to her and kissed her cheek, I knew even if I wanted to do something....I couldn't they were kids. The hell could I do? I'm a drug dealer that don't make no better.... I could get Shilo to do it. He was a hitman I knew.

Just wondering how would the shit play out.




Jesus POV

All of us were sitting in my room. Which were Christian, Karmela, and Messiah. We were chilling in my room cause mine was the second biggest, only because there was no bathroom in my room. Karmela was sitting in the bean bag I had, Christian was at my blue and green couch mounted on my wall, then Messiah was in my swivel chair I had at my office area which only had my laptop. We were chilling at 8:14pm. 

"Man I hope she feel okay cause that moment was kinda scary I was scared of losing her." Kamela said. I wanted to say some smart but I was still mad at Christian girlfriend which reminded me of something.

"Shut up Karmela damn, and Chris your girlfriend was finna get boxed the fuck out. I was finna seal the deal with Bethany and yo hoe gon' say its you cause I never smile...this bitch gon talk about her then she gon' sit there like everthang Gucci. You need to break up with her cause she gotta porno and she be fucking with Benzi." I said as he laughed.

" so late I broke up with her when I walked her to the bus.' He stated as I shook my head.

"I still want Bethany though." I said to no one in particular.

"Aint that the girl who got like B size breast and a big booty....with them braids?" Messiah asked as I nodded my head wondering how he knew her. "I know her big suhh Taylor she in my grade. She also got anotha' big sassy ass sister but I fa' got da' name."

Well we will see how this play out tomorrow.

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