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A/N: Hi ❤️ This book is inspired by After (written by Anna Todd), if you read the summary of this book you would've know about that. If you guys havy any requests just hit me up and I'll do my best to grant it. Happy reading! ❤️

I cringe as the sound of the loud alarm occupies my room and seperates me from my sleep.

I grab my phone from my bedside table and turn the horrifying noise off. The time written across my phone screen reminds myself that I need to get ready for school.

I detach myself from the comfortable bed of mine even though I don't want to, I never want to. Sleeping is everyone's safe haven.

I walk towards my bathroom, and did my routine. After a couple of minutes, I'm finally finished washing my body and now it's time to brush my teeth. I'm one of the weird people that brushes their teeths before eating, we like it that way.

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen with my bathrobe wrapped around my body.

For my breakfast, I ate a bowl of cereals with milk and water. I headed back to my room to get myself ready.

Picking an outfit for school and every morning is such a struggle, I've been staring at my closet for the longest time, and yet I still haven't figured out what to wear. I wish I have a stylist.

After, a couple of minutes that seems like an hour, I finally got myself ready. I covered myself with a sleeveless knee length floral dress, a jean jacket and a pair of white converse. I grab my purse, car keys and headed out my room.

I walk down the staircase and headed out the door. I unlock my car through my car keys and hop in it and start to drive my way to school.

I was jamming out to a One Direction's song while I was in my car, their songs are just so much, they fill me up with so much euphoric feelings.

By the time the song Little Things ended, I have finally reached my destination. School.

I locked my car and walk towards the school. It isn't my first day but I'm in a very good mood.

As I am walking through the crowded hallway of school, I see my best friend Andrea making out with Cobi. Since they're getting out of the limit, I decided to interrupt them from their make out session.

"Hey." I glance at Cobi and turn my look at Andrea.

"Hey." Cobi greeted back.

"Have you seen Nash?" I ask. I've been wondering where Nash is but I can't find him anywhere. Nash is my boyfriend and it's our first year anniversary, I hope he isn't planning to ruin my mood.

"No, but I'm pretty sure he's on his way now." Andrea gives me a comforting smile, she probably know what are my emotions deep inside of me. She can read me like a book.


No matter how hard I try to comfort myself, I can't. I started hyperventilating because Nash is the type of guy that will inform me if he isn't going to school. Whatever the reason of his absence is, I'll accept and understand it. Today was pretty depressing, I can't even focus during my class hours due of Nash's absence. During break time, all I do was try to contact him or text him but I always get nothing.

As I'm about to hop in my car, someone started calling out my name which makes my actions stop. "Amy! Amy!" Andrea's voice starts booming out from her obnoxiously massive mouth.

I turn my look at her and give her a couple of minutes to catch her breath back. She was running all the way here, I guess.

"Nash's..." Andrea cuts off to catch her breath again. "What?" I ask, still confuse about what's happening around me. "Sick." She finally finish her sentence. The sentence that came out of her mouth makes me feel worried sick.

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