14 // Dec. 25 2015

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Tatum's POV

"Tate, wake up baby!" Calum's voice woke me from my slumber. I groaned, pulling my eyes open. A smile quickly made its way to my face as I saw my boyfriend jumping on the bed like a child.

"Good morning," he plopped down next to me. I sat up and he put his arm around my shoulder, then kissed my forehead. "Merry Christmas, princess."

My heart fluttered at the sound of him calling me princess. I've heard the word thousands of time, but when he is calling me it, it seems so foreign and poetic. "Merry Christmas, Cal." I pecked his plump lips.

"Your parents are in the kitchen making breakfast. I can't wait for you to see my present I got you!" he told me, getting excited all over again. Calum told me once that Christmas was his favorite holiday, and it's definitely noticeable right now.

I just nodded and looked outside my bedroom window. Fresh snow was falling from the sky, something I always enjoyed watching. I've always loved winter, it's so beautiful outside and extremely peaceful.

"I'm trying to be patient right now, but it's just too hard. Can you please get out of bed? I can literally smell Christmas morning," Calum whined, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

I laughed a bit. "You go. I'll be down in a few minutes, 'kay?"

He nodded and climbed out of my bed, emerging from my room while singing 'All I Want for Christmas' by Mariah Carrey.

I reached over to my night stand, grabbing my phone and pulling up Twitter. One of the first tweets I saw came from Calum.

@calum5sos: merry christmas, wonderful people!!! hope you have an amazing christmas, mine sure is ;) LUV U

I favorited it, he's such a cutie. Next I sent out a text to some of my friends telling them happy holidays.

Incase you are wondering, Calum hasn't told his fans about us. Only friends and family know about us. Honestly, the thought of him telling his fans about me makes my stomach feel as if it's in a giant knot. What if they thought of me as a groupie? Or worse, what if they thought I was using him? I definitely was not using Calum. I'm in love with him.

After five minutes of laying in bed, I pulled myself off the extremely comfortable mattress and into my bathroom to freshen up. I just changed out of my shirt and shorts and into a black OnePiece, putting my messy hair into a braid.

I hopped down the stairs, my feet getting chilled from the hardwood. As I got closer to the kitchen, I could hear Christmas music playing from the radio. My father and Calum were doing a duet to Jingle Bell Rock and my mother was actually laughing when I entered the room.

"Tate!" Calum exclaimed. He ran over to me, taking my hands and making me dance with him while he continued to sing along to the famous song. As he spun me around, I caught a quick glance of my parents. My mom was pointing the camera of her phone at us, probably taking a video or pictures, while my dad's arm was wrapped around her waist as he watched us dance.

My mom has been in a good mood these last few days, I think she's finally warming up to Cal. She hasn't been giving him a cold shoulder, she actually talks to him and treats him like part of the family. I'm so thankful my mom finally came around to him.

"Breakfast is ready, lovebirds." my dad told Calum and I. It was a few songs later and we were still dancing and singing together. Calum picked me up, carrying me bridal style over to the dining room table. I giggled as he sat me down and took a seat next to me.

"So Tatum, are you all packed for Australia?" my mother asked me. Yes, my mom is actually allowing me to go across the country with Calum. I'm telling you, something randomly happened that made her like him!

"Haven't even started packing yet." I shook my head, then turned to Calum. "What time is the flight tomorrow?"

"9 AM." he told me. I nodded, taking a bite of my omelet.

Once everyone was finished eating, we entered the living room, where the tree was placed in front of the large window that overlooked our massive backyard. A couple nights ago, Calum and I had decorated the tree together while we (of course) listened to Christmas music.

Calum sat down on the recliner, then pulled me by my waist onto his lap. I got comfy on top of him and watched as my dad gave us all our presents, piles scattered across the living room.

Once my dad finished and everyone had their presents in front of them, my mom suggested that Calum open a present first. My family always had a tradition in which we take turns opening a single present at a time.

I watched as Calum picked up his present from me. I bit my lip anxiously. I always get nervous when people open a present I got them, I feel like they won't like it.

A smile spread across Calum's as he rummaged through the bag of gifts from me. His eyes widened when we saw the front row Green Day tickets. "Holy crap! These are good ass seats!" he exclaimed, squeezing me tightly.

"I knew you would like them. They were hard to get, but I managed." I told me, happy that he liked my gift.

"I can't wait to listen to this," he help up the mixtape, reading the title.

"I made it personally, I'm pretty proud of it." I said proudly.

Calum pecked my lips, and just like the first (and every) time we kissed, I felt those all too common sparks going off through out my entire body.

"You guys are so cute. Reminds me of us when we were young, Dereck." my mom told us, then turned to my dad and pecked his cheek. My parents are undeniably cute. They've been together since they were in 10th grade, and been in love ever since. Even now, nearly 25 years later, they are both like Calum and I, lovestruck teenagers.


"Are you excited to visit home?" I asked Calum, snuggling deeper into him. I just finished packing and now we are cuddling in my bed.

Calum nodded, not taking his eyes off our intertwined fingers that were rested on my stomach. "Definitely. I miss my family and the boys as well."

"I've never had a friendship like you have with them," I stated. "Until you came along, I've never really had a best friend."

"I've never had a real girlfriend until you came along."

"I've never been in love before you came along." I looked into his big brown eyes.

"Same goes for me. I love you." he kissed my forehead, then my lips.

"I love you, so much my heart hurts."

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