7 // Sep. 31 2015

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Calum's POV

Today is the day I finally meet my Tatum. I've never been so excited for anything in my life. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true.

The show last night was tons of fun, but I have to admit it would've been 10 times more exciting if Tatum was able to come.

Tatum has school today and I told her I'd pick her up after because I don't want to have to wait for her to drive to my hotel, I want to spend as much time as possible with her.

It's funny how her and I just started talking a bit over a month ago, and how I've never actually met her yet, but I feel like she could be the one. Yes, the one. She makes me so happy. She makes me laugh constantly, no matter what mood I'm in. She can always cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down. She treats me like Calum Hood from Sydney rather than Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer. And I am so thankful for that. Sometimes you meet people and you're not sure if they're there for your fame or if they're there for the real you. You can't be too sure about them, you can think they are there for "you" when they really aren't. But I'm not worried about that with Tatum. I know that she doesn't care about the fact that I'm in a famous band. I mean, yeah, she is a huge fan of us and all, but when we talk she talks to me as if I'm just some kid from her biology class.

I like her. I like her a lot.


I watched the flood of kids spilling out of the school doors, waiting to spot Tatum. She told me she is short so it's most likely going to be hard to find her.

I got out of the car I had rented, a black Range Rover, and leaned against the hood.

After a little bit longer, I finally saw her leave the school. She wasn't kidding when she said she was short, she was probably about 5'3". But I like it. She was walking with two girls and she was laughing super hard. She looked happy. I love it when she is happy.

After a couple seconds of watching her look around for me, she finally saw me and her smile grow even bigger. I copied her actions and I smiled as well, my heart beating quick in my chest. She pointed me out to her friends and both of their jaws dropped at the sight of me. I chuckled a bit. I watched as Tatum said something to the two girls and then wave goodbye to them. She started running towards me and I stopped leaning on the car, standing up straight.

"Calum!" She exclaimed once she reached me, running into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck. I smiled even bigger and lifted her up by the waist, spinning her around.

I put her down, not letting go of her, and buried my face in her neck. "Finally." I mumbled into her hair.


Tatum's POV

I made my way out of the building with my friends, Jenn and Lily. They were close friends, but not best friends. Calum is my best friend.

Speaking about Calum, he's picking me up from school today! I can't wait to finally see him. I saw all these pictures and videos on social media last night from the concert and all I wanted was to be there, in the front row, cheering on the boy that I like and not to mention, the band that I love.

Yes, I like Calum. A lot. I know that I've never met him in person and that we've only been talking for a month, but I like him more than I've ever liked anyone before. And the fact that I finally get to meet him, to hug him, to take in his scent that all the fans that have ever met him talk about, to hear his soft voice speak to me, and to be able to boop his cute little squishy nose, is the best feeling ever.

I looked around trying to find him until I finally saw him leaning against a black Range Rover. A huge smile tugged at my lips and he mimicked me, smiling his pretty smile.

"Look! Calum's here!" I exclaimed to my friends, pointing to him.

Just last week I had finally told them about him. They reacted differently than I thought they would. I thought they would tell me to have him follow them, but they didn't. They smiled and said they were happy for me.

Their jaws dropped and I said "I forgot to tell you guys, I'm hanging out with him all weekend! Anyway I have to go!" I waved goodbye to them, not giving them any time to speak before I ran down the stairs that lead to the parking lot.

Once I had reached him I yelled his name and ran into his arms. I felt my feet come off the ground and he spun me around in circles a few times before setting me down, not letting me go. "Finally." He let out.

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