15 // Dec. 26 2015

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hey @calpalaholic 😏😏😏😏


Tatum's POV

Calum and I stepped off the plane and into the airport. My legs felt numb from sitting for so long. That was the longest plane ride of my life. Considering Calum slept most of the time, it was also the most boring plane ride of my life. I slept for like two hours, while he slept for around 10.

We grabbed our suitcases, then walked hand in hand towards the doors. As we got closer and closer to the doors, I could see guys with cameras pointed directly at us. Paparazzi.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Tatum. I had no idea they'd be here." Calum sighed, biting his lip.

I took a deep breath. "It's fine, Cal. Don't sweat it." But in all honesty, it wasn't fine. The amount of people out there, waiting to take pictures of Calum and I walking out of an airport together, frightened me. It made me extremely shaky and anxious; I've never liked attention much.

"Keep your head down and don't let go of my hand. Can you do that?" he asked me, looking down to my level. I nodded and squeezed his hand as we stepped into the hot Australian air.

"Calum, who is this?"

"Who's the mystery girl, Calum?"

"Hey, girl! Tell us your name!"

All kinds of questions and directions were spat at the two of us. I kept my eyes on my feet and tried to count my steps in order to block out the loud men around me. My heart was racing in anxiousness, and I prayed that we would soon be in a car and away from the men and cameras.

Finally, a car pulled in front of Calum and I. Calum led me to the trunk and he placed our suitcases in it, then we climbed inside of the car, where I saw Michael, Luke, and Ashton.

"Hey guys!" Ashton exclaimed from the drivers seat.

Michael, who was sitting next to him smiled at us. "I missed you, Cal!"

"My Malum heart," I said, placing my hand on my heart. "But, yeah, I missed you too, you whore!"

"Okay okay, I missed you as well. But I haven't seen my boyfriend in years and I missed his cuddles." Michael frowned, taking Calum's hand.

"Muke is dead," Luke mumbled, looking out the window for extra effect. The four of us laughed at him as he managed to keep a straight face.

"It's just... Everything has changed, Luke. I miss you, I do. But we have to move on." Michael sighed, running his hand through his hair, going along with Luke.

By now, I was laughing so hard that tears were forming in my eyes, something that happened to me a lot when I laugh hard enough.

I looked around the car at the four boys I have grown attached to. These boys have gone from people I idolized and fangirled over to my best friends and boyfriend in a span of four months. The impact these boys have on me is crazy. I've been so much happier since the day I began talking to Calum, and I can't thank him or the others enough. It's funny how drastically things can change in just months, and my life has definitely changed for the better. I love these boys. So much.


"And we have now arrived at the Hood household," Ashton said, pulling up the long driveway to Calum's house.

His house looked nice. It wasn't as big as mine, but it was close. His house was very pretty. The red brick, the white double doors, and the beautiful landscaping only left me wanting to see the inside.

Calum climbed out of the car and held his hand out for me. I took it and hopped out of the car.

"Thanks guys! I'll text you!" Calum waved to his best friends.

"Bye Cal, bye Tatum! We love you!" they all said to us.

We grabbed our bags and then made our way to the front door while Ashton pulled out of the driveway and took off down the street.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"Probably not. Do I have a choice though?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, you do not have a choice." And with that he opened the front door and we walked in.

"Mom? Dad? We're here!" Calum called.

I looked around. The interior of the house is just as nice as the exterior, if not nicer.

"Hello!" Calum's mother met us. She quickly pulled Calum in for a hug and told him she missed him. Next she let go of her son and smiled at me. "Well if it isn't the famous Tatum! Come here, honey! I'm Joy, it's so nice to meet you."

Joy gave me a hug as well. She was so sweet, and I could tell Calum got a lot of his features from her; personality and looks.

"Where's Dad?" Calum asked Joy while she led us to the kitchen for snacks.

"He'll be home soon, he ran to the store quickly."

"And where's Mali?"

"Right here," a female voice said just as we entered the kitchen and I saw Mali-Koa.

"Mali!" Calum exclaimed and hugged his sister tightly.

It honestly warms my heart to see how excited Calum is to see his family. He hasn't seen them since this summer, so I know he missed them a lot. I am an only child, so I don't have that sibling bond that Calum and his sister have. He's so lucky to have a sibling that is also his best friend.

"Hey, Tatum. I'm Mali-Koa. It's so nice to finally meet you!" she smiled at me and gave me a hug just like Joy had.

"It's nice to meet you, too! Calum has told me so much about you."

"Same goes for you, come sit!" Mali led me to the table and we both sat down and starting chatting.

Soon Joy came in with a large scrapbook that was filled with pictures of baby Calum.

"No, don't look at that!" Cal quickly dashed to my side and tried to grab the book, but I quickly picked it up and held it against my chest. He tried to pry it from my hands but I wouldn't let him. Finally he gave in. He sighed and sat back down next to me.

I smirked and set the scrapbook back down and opened to the first page.

"Oh my gosh, look at this picture! Calum, I didn't know you went through a goth phase!" I laughed, pointing to a picture where he had a straight black fringe, was dressed in head to toe black and baggy clothing, and even had some eyeliner on.

"Alright that's enough of that," his cheeks got super red and he took the book away from me.

Just a few minutes later, Calum's father entered the kitchen.

"Dad, this is Tatum. Tatum, this is my dad, David." Calum introduced us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for having me here with you guys." I said to him, but also to Joy.

"The pleasure is ours. We're so happy to have you here," David said, smiling a large smile at me. He put his arm around Cal. "Calum sure found a good one!"

My cheeks got hot and I could only imagine how red they were. "Thank you!"

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