3TUP: My Hero

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[A/N: Kris on the side --->]


Lunch time people!

Students are now making their way to the Cafeteria, same with me :)

I look around to find SunMi, but even her shadow is not around, so maybe she's still in the middle of their meeting. So as a result, I'll take my lunch on my own.

As I take my order, there was this girl who accidentally bumped on me because she's not looking on her way.

She yelled at me when my foods fell on her uniform. I didn't think twice as I immediately apologized to her.


She yelled out loud as I noticed that she's getting the attentions of all the students inside the Cafeteria.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bumped on you. Here, let me help you clean it" I softly said.

I lend my handkerchief but she just throw it away.

She was about to slap me, but she stop on her tracks when a not-so-familiar guy speak up from behind.

"Excuse me, isn't it your fault? You're the one who's not looking on your way, so don't yell at her" He said in a soft and approaching voice but full of authority.

I noticed that the girl is clenching her fists and glaring at me while biting her bottom lip. I know that she's mad at me.

I just turn my back and look away. As I'm about to get my handkerchief, the guy suddenly yanked me out of the Cafeteria.

He dragged me to.....

Nowhere since it's my first day here and I'm not yet familiar in this school.

As we reached the place, my mouth opens a gap when I saw a beautiful surroundings.

If I'm not mistaken, we are in the School Garden and it seems like only few students are hanging on here.

"This is the School Garden. Only few students are hanging on here. You're free to stay here whenever you want" He said while flashing a smirk.

"So, you are the transferee student from Konkuk University right?" He asked while looking into my eyes.

"How did you knew it?" I curiously asked.

"By the way, I am Kris. I am ALSO from the Business Club"

He introduced himself while extending his right hand for formal greeting and didn't answer my question.

I extend my right hand as well and shook hands with him as I introduced myself.

"I am Choi HyunA, from Business---"

But before I finished my word, my eyes widened as I remember what he said a while ago that he is ALSO from Business Club.

How did he knew that I'm from Business Club? Maybe because he's already a member of the Club? Ah whatever~

We talked to each other for almost thirty minutes until the signal for next class alarmed. Ugh, I almost forgot my lunch! Haha.

We took our different ways as he waved goodbye while smiling at me. I did the same thing as I went to my classroom.

I missed my lunch, but meeting him is enough. I really had fun talking to him :)

Another friend for today Choi HyunA, keep it up! :)


Thank God it's break time! I heard the bell rang and by this time, I can take a quick break after all the paper works that we are doing.

Being the Vice President in the Business Club is not that easy, what more when you're the President right?

"Yah! SunMi, Its break time!! Shall we take a quick break?" I asked SunMi which is also busy with those paper works.

"Go ahead, I need to finish this first before I eat" She replied, still eyes on those paper works.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat first?" I asked her again for an assurance. She just smiled at me and told me to go.

"Okay if that's what you want, I'll see you again later"

Oh c'mon, she's really hard working! You deserved a break Ms. President! Tsk!

As I'm about to take my order, there was this girl who really caught my attention. I must say I haven't seen her around before. She might be the transferee student from Konkuk University.

I don't know why but I found myself staring at her the whole time.

Suddenly I saw a random girl who accidentally bumped on her, causing her foods to fell directly on the latters uniform.

She screamed out loud, taking everyone's attention.


She yelled to the transferee girl as if it's her fault. The transferee girl immediately apologized to her like it's her own fault.

She was about to slap the transferee girl when I immediately stood up and walked to their direction.

"Excuse me, isn't it your fault? You are the one who's not looking on your way, so don't yell at her"

She stop on her tracks when she heard my voice. I noticed that she's getting pissed because she's clenching her fists while glaring at the transferee student. Aish, what an immature person!

Before it turns out into something worst, I immediately yanked her out of Cafeteria all the way to the beautiful Garden of our School.

No one else is hanging out on that special place, except from us---EXO.

As she looked around, I noticed that her eyes are wondering around because of the beautiful view.

"This is the School Garden. Only few students are hanging on here. You're free to stay here whenever you want"

Wow!! She's really beautiful especially when smiling. I can feel my heart is racing fast!

"So, you are the transferee student from Konkuk University right?" I asked while looking directly into her eyes.

She asked me how did I knew it but I didn't answer, instead I introduced myself as she did the same thing.

We stayed there for almost thirty minutes talking about random things that we almost forgot our lunch. But it's alright, I really had fun talking to her.

Minutes later when the bell rang signals for the next class. I waved goodbye as she did the same thing and went to her next class.

As I leave, I noticed that I'm smiling like an idiot all the way back to the meeting room. SunMi noticed it and asked me what's with those smile.

"Ehh? What's with those smile Mr. Vice President? Satisfied with your lunch?" SunMi suspiciously asked.

"Kinda? I guess.... I loved it" I replied as I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes and proceed to her works. I did my part as well since lunch time is over people. Back to paper works :)

I thought myself I should find her again. Her name is always on my mind as I'm remembering the time we first met. I will never forget that moment.

The way she smiles, her voice, her beautiful eyes, her angelic face, everything! She looks perfect, and I think the moment when I first saw her in the Cafeteria...

I already like her :)

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