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Everything in life used to be perfect. I had a wife and two kids, stayed in touch with my family, and was good to my household. I went to work as a welder and made decent money. My house was in the suburbs, two stories high with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living area, kitchen, and a basement.

Life was great, almost routine. Until one day I took a half day to surprise my wife, Leah. I quietly opened the door but knew something was off.

Leah's clothes were on the floor along with a tie that I knew wasn't mine. I walked down the hall, leaving the door opened and followed the trail of skirts, suit pants, and shirts to the kitchen where Leah was willingly letting another man inside her.

Needless to say she was out of the house 15 minutes later after blowing my fuse. She tried to calm me down with repeated uses of my name.

"Axel wait....Axel let me....Axel....!"

The man left with a black eye and Leah left with a suitcase, probably to a hotel or her friend's place.

I couldn't move after that. I felt numb, letting the dog in from out back, grabbing a beer from the fridge, lately sitting on the couch. Crumble, the dog, sat on the couch next to me with his head in my lap. He was whimpering and I was too. Thats when the tears came, going down my face and soaking my already dirtied uniform shirt. Eventually after who knows how long I stopped and my face was all red with blotches.

My kids came home and at first they were happy that I was home early. Then they asked where Mom was.

"She.....went away for a while." I answered quietly, trying to put a small smile on my face. But Jack and Jared were High Schoolers. They were smart enough to know without being told that something happened. Dinner was quiet and awkward without Leah starting family conversations. I kept the boys away from the kitchen counter and after dinner I tried to clean up the mess, anger building up in me again.

Jack and Jared went to bed early to their separate rooms. I allowed Crumble to hop up on our- no. My bed. I slipped on a pair of pajama pants and got in bed. Crumble took Leah's spot and I tried to fall asleep with the dog laying his head on my arm.

Maybe I'm done with woman for now. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll take it one step at a time.


Hey guys!! My beta reader for this is gabrielXlucifer3614, blame her if it sucks XP not really, though lol.

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