Chit Chat

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Hey guys!! So sorry for dying on you XD but I'm back and have a while bunch of ideas!! If anyone else want to put any input please feel free to PM me I'm all ears and glad to listen. This chapter is a little short but sets up for more I promise. Imma try to update twice a week from now on~



I'm not exactly positive how it had happened. One moment I was serious, we discussed my children and I liked the way he responded to them. He wouldn't come into my life and change things the way I had them. And in the next moment we laughed about stories we had to share. Nothing got too deep either.

"Hey Axel, would you be open to dinner Tuesday night?" Ryan asked as I got up to leave, he stood up as well to lead me to the door. Just to tease him, I made an intense thinking face before smiling brightly and nodded.

"I'd be delighted dear sir, and perhaps my knight would wish to dine with my children as well?" I asked him with a hand to my hip. Ryan's deep laugh filled the air.

"If the Prince so decrees, it would be my honor to partake in an evening of fun with your children." He dramatically bowed in front of me. I chuckled at him and lifted his face with my hand upward.

"I do decree that you come." He smiled up at my face as my own eye lids became half-lidded. Ryan stood to his full height and wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me flush against his body. He brushed his nose across mine to bring an intimate atmosphere around us.

"What time should I attend?"

"6:00 on the dot. Not a minute later." I joked but kept my serious face on.

"On my life, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I took a step back as his words sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

"I can't wait."

I took off down the road a minute later.

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