Cat And Mouse

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I pulled into my driveway and sat there for more than a couple minutes. What is going on? Why was I getting so flustered around this.....this business man, Mr. Ryan Douglas? My heart was still pounding with only one thought of him. I clutched my chest lightly before going inside to my sons. Going into the house I found my kids playing some Call of Duty game, which was surprising because Jared was more of a reader. I kicked off my shoes and walked past the two who took over the t.v.

"Did anyone feed Crumble yet?" I asked walking into the kitchen with the dog on my heels again. I reached down and pet him for a moment. Then the television paused and both black haired boys popped their heads around the corner to look in.

"No, usually Mom does." Jack said before he could stop himself. Jared punched him in the gut with a quick muttered 'Idiot don't talk about her'. A sorrowful smile formed on my face. "Ouch dipshit, I forgot!" Jack growled out, rubbing his sore muscles. I tapped the counter of the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Sit down guys," I said while filling up Crumble's food and water bowl. After finishing that, I leaned over the counter. "Mom....Leah isn't coming back into this house. She's not going to live here. I haven't talked to her yet but, until she has a place to stay that's permanent, kinda, you'll be able to see her for dinners. Or things like that."

"Are you guys getting divorced?" Jared asked cautiously almost as if the question scared him, which it probably did. I sighed and looked down, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'm not going to lie I think that's where we're headed." I lifted my head back up and we talked for a while about stuff like this. After a little bit I decided it was time to eat. "I'm feeling like pizza and macaroni and cheese."

Jack nodded Jared only put his head on the counter with a loud THUMP.

"Man this sucks ass." I gave him a warning glare. "Oh don't act like you don't swear."

"You could at least strive to be better than me." Jack laughed at me as I rolled my eyes. "Alright Jack you go on the computer and order the pizza and Jared let out the dog."

-Time Skip-

I must have dozed off at some point because the alarm on my phone woke me up. I quickly turned it off and sat up from the couch, I rubbed my eyes to wake up a bit and noticed the boys on the floor. Jared stole the blanket from Jack, who had the pizza box and three bowls on the ground. I had to laugh because even though Jared was younger than Jack by two years Jack always gave him whatever they only had one of, like the last bit of ice cream from the container, the last slice of pie, or when they were too lazy to get an extra blankets from the closet Jack would always let Jared have it. Though the younger tried to refuse. I got up from my spot to grab a large cover from the closet and placed it overtop of Jack. He curled up under it and the only thing visible was his dark mop of hair.

I went through my routine again, putting on the standard uniform and took off for work after locking the front door. I pulled into the parking lot but noticed another car there that I wasn't familiar with. Who would be here at 5:30 in the morning besides me or Dominic, or on rare occasions the boss? I walked in and saw the lights on but Dominic was talking to someone in the break room.

"Hey Dom, who's in there with you?" I asked going to my own work station. I set my keys on my tool box. For a moment there was nothing so I  turned to ask again but Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome was there instead. A blush overtook my face again as Ryan smiled, his suit jacket unbuttoned and a few strands of black hair fallen on his forehead. "Mr. Douglas, what are you doing here so early?"

"Just came to see how things ran here in the morning, I get curious." Came his reply. I saw his eyes travel to my left hand, obviously checking for a wedding band that I now refused to wear. I clenched my hand tight, feeling myself react to his intense blue eyed gaze.

"You must be really curious to show up here at such an hour." The blush decreased to a light pink as I looked down with a bashful smile at the ground. Ryan lifted my face again with his hand and suddenly I couldn't control my heart beat anymore. He was so close to me that I could smell his peppermint scented breath.

"Have you ever been with a man Axel?" Ryan asked, his low voice just above a whisper.

"I have, once upon a time." I answered, eyes wondering toward his lips and back up to his blue orbs.

And then those lips I looked at were so close to mine. So close that I nearly gave into the temptation to kiss him on those hansom, full, dark colored lips oh so badly. But I couldn't. I couldn't because I wasn't ready for that yet.

I forced myself to take a step away from Ryan Douglas and pleaded with my eyes not to ask but instead he greeted me with a smirk that told me he was ready to play this game.

"You can be my prince of grease and I can be your knight of the city." He said in an even voice. Ryan slipped a paper into my hand and took off, the only evidence of him haven been there were my gaze following where he left and the card with Ryan's personal number on it.

"And so our fairytale begins." My voice carried into the air for only me to hear.

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