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Yep. Like two people hate me for taking away Jared. But, it will have plot relevance so that's always good. Mmmm also changing up the POV orders.



It's been three days since Axel had last spoken to Jared. Three days since I've seen him smile, three days since he's eaten an actual meal, and three days since he's slept a full night.

I've forced Axel to take off more vacation days but today is the day that I have to go back to the office so Jack is going to look after Axel while I'm gone. Jace came and picked me up this morning after I kissed my lover's head softly. Now I sat in my office glaring at my computer screen as I answered emails and drew up meeting layouts for the company.

"Here are those documents you needed two days ago." Leah said coming in, a smile on her face.

"Get the fuck out." I growled at her.

"What?" Her eyes showed confusion then.

"Do you not understand English? I said get out of my damn office!" I stood up angerly. Ya I'm having anger issues right now but you know what, someone needs to put a bitch in her place. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Don't you dare get pissy with me Ryan Douglas. Just because you're fucking my ex-husband doesn't mea-"

"No, don't you fucking dare take down at me. I am your boss and you have no right to adress me by my first name. And I have every damn right to get angry at you. You took the man's kid from him! You loved him and then stole what you have no right to even take. Why would you go into someone's life and change it like that? You cheated on him for who the hell knows how long and shredded his heart to pieces. Now you've broken him." I was at my full height by now and chest heaving from the deep breaths I needed to be intaking.

She scoffed.

"Oh please, he was so quick to have you up his ass after I left. He's perfectly fine." I lost it and walked around my desk in front of her.

"Listen her you whore. I've never had sex with him because he's still getting over you. I respect him. I give him anything he ever wants or will need. I put him before my own selfishness and you know what? At least he waited until you weren't in the picture instead of going behind your back like some coward. You have no right to be the mother of your children. God, they fucking hate you. Especially Jared." I was in her face by now. "Axel hasn't eaten or slept in three days. His health is declining and I'm scared that he'll just get worse. And he's going to. But you know what? I'm going to be there for him. I'm going to take care of his son the best I can and if Jared ever sees my I'll love him like my own kid. I'll love Axel like hes never been loved before. I love him and you'll have to live your life knowing that you left the best man in the world for a second rate asshole."

Leah just stood there in shock before throwing her papers down and stomped out of the room past Axel and Jack who stood in the door way. Both were shocked, hell I'm shocked that they're here. Axel stormed into the room right to me as Jack closed the door behind them. He grabbed the fronts of my suit and pushed me against the desk.

"Do you mean every word that you just said?" He demanded with a hard face right in mine. His green eyes shown brightly dispite his face. "Do you love my kids? Do you love me?" He asked with hope seeping into his voice. Jack was behind him, arms crossed over his chest.

I nodded.

"I meant what I said. If I didnt, why would I tell someone I hate a lie?" I cupped the sides of his face and his hard exterior broke. "I've only known you guys for a short amount of time. But I love you guys." Axel got onto his tippy toes and kissed me deeply. His tongue pushed into my mouth for a quick moment before I could respond and he pulled away.

"You're coming home. I don't give a damn what you have to do that can wait until later." He said growing determined.

"Dad, you go home with Ryan. I'll take your car and go over Saige and Gillen's apartment." Jack said, walking out of the room. And just like that Axel was on me, kissing the sides of my face while holding into my shoulder as I pulled out my phone.

"Ah- Axel hold up," I mumbled, speed dialing Jace. When my best friend answered the phone Axel was at my neck, biting lightly at it.

"Yes Mr. Douglas?" Jace asked through the phone.

"I need a ride. Now." I said, hung up the phone and grabbed Axel by his elbow as I carted him out of here. We made our way past Leah.

"Now where the hell are you going?" She asked angerly.

"Home, to make love to the man I'm infatuated with."

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