Gaylord Douglas

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*Ryan Douglas*

"Leah, what's schedule for today?" I asked the secretary, stepping off the elevator and fixing my sleeves.

"You have an 8 o'clock at Lancelot Building Company to check on your purchase." She said, sounding bitter. Leah followed me with her clipboard, writing things down here and there, crossing out lines, and eventually just throwing the paper away before starting on a new another.

"What time is it now?" I asked walking into my office. I sat down at the desk and logged in, typing in 'gaylord' because its actually so unprofessional and personalized that it hard to get into my computer. I looked through emails that were sent to me, replied to some, and saved the rest for later. Most of the emails were from small business companies or individual entrepreneurs wanting to do business or asking for advise on how to expand. Things like that and along those lines.

"It's 7:30." Leah deadpanned. I stared at the screen for about three seconds.

"Shit." I logged back off and got my bottom in gear, walking back to the elevator. I pressed the button to the lowest floor and texted my driver quickly.

'Bring the car around front...." I mumbled while my fingers typed rapidly. It only took maybe twenty seconds to get an answer.

*Bing Bing!*

'Already here sir, been waiting for 10 minutes' My driver, Jace Patterson, responded. I snickered after tucking my phone into my back pocket.

"Cheeky bastard." I smoothed back my black hair and stepped out of the elevator. Outside, Jace had the car pulled up to the curb so I hopped in and hit the front seat lightly. "Lancelot Building Company Jace."

"Of course sir," he said. "And by the way, your fly is down. Again." I quickly looked down.

"Son of a...." I fixed that problem real quick. Going back through my phone, I answered more emails and got frustrated at business manager's incompetence. "Jace where's my-"

"The overview report of your next meeting is right here. Leah faxed them over last night." Jace cut me off, reaching next to him, and picking up a yellowish folder. He handed them back carefully and I took them from him.

"Hey Jace..."

"Yes sir?"

"Remind me to get Leah to pick up blue folders. This yellow is really boring." There was a moment of silence.



"Stop talking." I laughed. Jace looked back at me through the rearview mirror over his sunglasses with a smirk. Jace was not only my personal driver but also my best friend. Who happened to call me sir.

-Time Skip-

Jace opened the door for me and I walked through the door of the large building.

"Mr. Douglas!" A short and rather round man exclaimed from down the hallway. I patiently waited for him to get to me. "Mr. Douglas, its nice to see you." He greeted, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand politely and placed it back into my pocket afterwards. "Let me show you around!"

I nodded in consent and ended up walking with him for almost an hour. Looking at my watch I was about to suggest that I see my machine before my eyes connected with apple green eyes. I was basically stuck in the spot. The man's blonde hair was shining, his full lips were extremely attractive, and my god his build was amazing.

"Mr. Leon, who is that?" I asked the manager, pointing politely and flashed a smile at the young man and looked away to work on something else. Mr. Leon looked in the direction I was.

"That is Axel Rodgers, he's the lead welder working on your purchase. Let's go over and check up on it." Leon said already moving at a fast pace. We approached Axel from behind, Leon calling out his name excitedly. And when Axel turned around my breath was taken from me as I looked more closely at his face. Even his voice was deep and alluring.

Axel had good manners and greeted me with respect. After winking at the beauty I decided to take my leave. Jace opened the car door for me and we pulled out.

"Jace, look up an Axel Rodgers for me, would ya?"

"Yes sir." He said rather amused. "What are you thinking?"

"I'd like to invite Axel to dinner with me."

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