Don't Leave Yet

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It was unspoken after Jack turned to look at me. They were not going back with Leah. If my boys felt that they had to leave to get away from her I wasn't about to force them to go back.

Jack looked defeated, a blushing mess, but defeated all the same. There were emotions in there that I wouldn't have dared to even feel. I could say that I understand but I really don't at all, the only thing I can relate to is my wife leaving. Not my mother giving up on the family we had. I haven't lost my mother. The divorce was slowly creeping up on us but I knew Jack and Jared were ready for it. Wait. The divorce for full custity of my sons. I was stressing out all of a sudden, my lawyer didn't know if I'd get to have full rights of my kids. Fuck I have to call Ryan because I'm not sure if I'm ready for a date if I need to stay focused on the lawsuit.

"Mr. Rodgers, I'll be upstairs with Jared." Aaron went up the steps to my little boy's room but I let him. They were best friends after all and Jared would need someone he can talk to. I turned my attention to Jack.

"I don't know who those boys were-" I started.

"I'm not too sure either. They saw us coming down the steps as they were going up and I guess we just really needed to get out of there." Jack looked at the ground as I sighed.

"You can't just take rides from strangers. I know it sound like you've been told this every single year, but you don't know them. Please just...don't do that again. You should go upstairs to bed." I rubbed my temples as I went to lock up the door. When his footsteps faded I took out my phone, Crumble whined from the couch so I took a seat next to him. The dog curled up next to me.

There was ringing on the other line for a moment and then his voice came through.

"Axel? Are you alright?" Ryan's soothing voice answered the phone.

"Hey, ya. But I'm not sure if the date on Tuesday can happen. It's just you know I'm going through a divorce. And I'm stressing out that I won't get to have my kids with me. The lawyer isn't sure whether he can get me full custity of them and it's scaring me. I need to help the guy in anyway to win my kids." I explained to him, my heart beating a mile a second. This was terrifying, not only what I was going through but having to tell him the reasons I couldn't go out with him.

There was silence on the line.

"Axel I'm going to come over tomorrow. Have your lawyer bring the case files. I'm going to make sure you keep your kids." He said. I was stunned.

"Ryan you really don't have to do this. I don't want to force this on yo-"

"You're not forcing this. You're a man who's been lied to straight in his face about who you were going to spend your life with. You weren't the one who left and turned your relationship to shit so why should you have to give up your kids? Who says she won't get tired of the kids and want to leave them too? As far as I can see, you're devoted to you kids the end. Especially when you set ground rules to keep your children in mind before considering to continue a relationship with me. You deserve to have your kids because you weren't the one to walk away from them." Ryan ranted in a serious tone. I was nearly in tears, and that's hard for me to say. "I care for you and you care for them. If we're going back to geometry than means that I care for them. I'm ready to take care of you if you'll let me. If I start a relationship with someone, I see myself growing with them. I don't date just for fun, I go all in. I'd really like to keep seeing you and if you'd let me, I want to take care of this. You owe me nothing." Oh, there it went. The tear rolled down my cheek.

"Ryan, can I be selfish for a moment and ask you to come? Come now, don't wait for tomorrow yet." I whispered into the phone. There was shuffling from his end.

"I'll be there in 10." Came his reply and the phone hung up. It was dark out now, I didn't even bother to check my phone for the time. And in record time I heard a car in the driveway 7 minutes later. When I could see that he was close enough I flung the door open and hugged him close, unashamed at my crying.

"Why are you so nice? You don't even know me that well," I sobbed into his chest. His firm arms went around me and I felt secure, like nothing could harm me in this moment.

"You need to be cherished. You shouldn't have to deal with this burden alone. I want to stand here for you to hold you up." Ryan picked me up, which was weird for me because no one has ever actually done this besides my dad when I was 7. I clutched onto him as he closed the door and sat on the couch with me crying. Crumble of course was sniffing him to check him out but eventually lost intrest and laid on the ground.

My tears stopped as Ryan rubbed my back soothingly. I don't know why these tears are happening. Maybe it was from holding it all in for so long. I looked up at Ryan debating whether or not I should, but I decided to screw it and got up. I grabbed his hand and took up the steps to my room. I took off my shoes and shirt and climbed into bed, motioning with my hand to get in as well. He closed the door and did the same, drawing my body to his as he breathed out heavily and wrapped an arm around me. I was very aware of his touches on my bare skin. I wanted more, I wanted more regardless of the repercussions.

I don't know if it was me searching for comfort or whatever else but I found myself hovering over Ryan looking him in his crystal blue eyes. At first it was a stare down. Who was going to move first? Maybe he was waiting on me? At the thought I looked down to his lips and leaned down. My first kiss with a guy. This is it.

Ryan met me halfway. It felt really good, to have his hands caressing my body. His tongue pushed at my lips and I opened for him, a clash of teeth and lips and tongues. My body was suddenly underneath his with him in between my legs, my hands in his black strands. Mmm god his hair felt amazing under my touch. I let one of my hands drift downward to curiously feel his length through his jeans.

Ryan broke away from the kiss and grabbed my wrist.

"Wait. Not tonight. Take this slow, let me respect your body the way it should be." He breathed out. Well now I'm all hot and bothered like what the fuck man. But I nodded, glad he stopped me before I did something I might regret later.

He rolled off of me and I positioned my body near him, my head resting on his arm but our bodies tangled around each other. That's how we fell asleep.

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