Do Not Forget

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I woke up early the next morning around 6 and started to make breakfast. Normally I would just let the boys eat cereal or if they were feeling risky that day, peanut butter toast. Today the school had Friday off. But Aaron had stayed the night because he got a call from his drunk father during dinner that quickly escolated to shouting and eventually ended with his old man telling him not to come home that night.

Aaron didn't really have a great home life. I didn't know all the details but his father was an extreme alcoholic and his mom is committing many affairs with the neighborhood. I felt bad for the kid so I let him stay whenever he wanted. Often times when the boys are doing chores, Aaron will talk to me about this stuff. I had felt I was more of a father figure more than his dad.

Soon enough I focused back in and realized the I had made all the pancakes on autopilot. Crumble trotted in, decided he wanted to sleep directly in the middle of the floor, then only move just enough so that I knew he wasn't dead. I chuckled quietly at him as I rolled my eyes. The entire house was silent when I made coffe, it was my day off which only happened once every two weeks. So in otherowrds, I didn't know what to do with myself.

Suddenly the phone went off to and I quickly answered it.

"Hello, this is Axel Rodgers speaking." I answered without having bothered with the caller ID to shut up the sound.

"I want the kids this weekend." Leah hissed through the receiver end of the phone. I placed down my coffee mug, hadn't expected her voice this morning.

"Where are you staying?" My voice was hardened and I was angry all over again. But they were her children too so I had to let her see them.

"The apartment buildings downtown." She gave me directions.

"What time?"

"9 in the morning, Saturday. In otherwords, tomorrow morning. Do not forget."

"Excuse you. I don't forget things. Like, oh I don't know, who I'm married to. Court in two weeks, divorce and full custody of Jack and Jared. And just because I know how forgetful you are, DO NOT FORGET." I hung up and nearly slammed the phone on the counter.

It was a moment before another voice filled the surrounding air, making my green eyes flash towards its owner.

"Mr. Rodgers, is everything alright?" Aaron's baritone sound entered the kitchen. His blonde hair was stuck up in a way that said he had just woken up.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked him. We were both in our pajamas but I lacked a shirt to cover my slightly scarred chest. My profession had many hazards to go with it.

"No, Jared wacked me in the face and I came down. Was that Leah?" He responded back as he grabbed some pancakes and I got him some orange juice.

"Could you tell?"

"Hey man, you don't have any social life. You hang out with your two kids and a 16 year old from 4th Street. The only other people you talk to are Leah, occasionally Dominic, and apparently this new man you talk with on the phone." Aaron shrugged his shoulders. I sighed, who didn't know I've been talking to Ryan? Well at least Jack.

"Ryan, his name is Ryan. Somehow he's into me but...."

"But you don't know about him. Last week Leah left and you're still going through heart break."

"Exactly! But he just has these amazing eyes, like imagine blue but deeper. And that smile of his has me stuck in place, almost as if it's just for me. His personality is polite but at the same time he could be insulting you and don't even get me started on those motherfucking lips-" I paused realizing that I was ranting about him. Aaron watched me very amused. He swallowed the pancake in his mouth.

"My suggestion, next time you see Ryan, don't wear your wedding band." I looked down at my hand and saw it was still there, like a subconscious thing I do. Aaron had finished his breakfast and put his dishes away. "I'm going back upstairs. See you later Mr. Rodgers."

"You too Aaron." I had a lot to think about.

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