Crumble The Ultimate Shipper

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It was three days later that I sat on my bed staring at the card, phone in hand. Crumble looked up at me.

"I'm not gonna do it." He placed a paw on my arm.

"I'm not doing it." Crumble whined at me.

"Don't you gimme that face. Don't you dare." His tail began wagging.

"No I don't wanna-" The border collie jumped on me and licked my face. "Gah! Crumble no! Fine I'll do it! I'll do it!" He stopped and looked down at me from the bed.

"Bark!" Crumble playfully placed his paw on my chest. I pushed him lightly off of me and looked at the card again with a sigh. Dialing the number, Crumble sat next to me.

"I think you're more excited than me-"

"Hello, Ryan Douglas how may I help you?" My breath caught, nearly choked on my own spit. His deep voice made me wanna listen to it all night.

"Y-yes, this is Axel Rodgers, from the shop?" I more questioned myself more than anything. His chuckle made me blush darkly. Thank god he couldn't see me.

"Ah yes, Axel, is it okay to call you by your first name? I'm glad you called."

"Yes it's perfectly fine, as long as I can adress you the same way."

"Definitely! So Saturday...."

"Yes?" I was starting to get nervous.

"Want to go with me somewhere?" There was shuffling and a bark in the background, clacking nails on hardwood floor. Crumble heard as well and barked right into my ear.

"Ouch Crumble! No!" I commanded to him.

"I assume our dogs communicated?" Ryan asked, amused completely.

"Ya, he's a strange dog, I'll put it that way."

"Ya mine thinks he owns me. In a way he does I suppose." He made me smile.

"Saturday sounds great." I turned onto my side and ran a hand through my blonde hair. Jack decided now way the perfect time to slam open my door and Jared to run in after him.

"Dad, Jared turned off the console before I fucking saved it!"

"Jack smashed my backpack on the ground! It had my art assignment in it!"

"My game is more important!"

"At least you can start over any time you'd like!"

"Damn straight you stupid nerd!"

I got up then and separated them before they could hit each other.

"Boys stop it! Ryan I'll have to call you back." I hung up before he could respond. "Damn it guys, you need to stop." They both growled and Jack angrily walked out of the room, Jared standing there for a few moments.

"Who were you talking to?" Came out his hushed question.

"Oh um, just some guy from the shop." I answered him vaguely. Jared gave me a face that said 'No bullshit'.

"Dad you were smiling. You haven't done that in a couple of days." I rubbed at the back of my neck.

"Its a guy that I'm.....interested in."

Jared's eyes noticeably widened and stood stiff. His mouth hung open, jaw moving as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out. Jared was smart so he no doubt knew what I was saying.

"Dad, you're gay?" He asked quietly, his sixteen year old mind slowly processing what I said.

"More like Bisexual if anything." I answered walking into the hallway, aiming to go down stairs.

"Hey Dad, c-can I ask you something?" He asked before I could touch the step.


".....Um can Aaron come over later?" Jared hesitated, like he didn't wanna actually say something. I gave him a curious look but nodded anyways.

"Of course." He sighed a bit and walked to his room to pull out his phone. I shrugged and went downstairs at last, Crumble at my heels.

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