Drum Line Boy

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Hey guys, Imma do a quick part on Jared because he's my baby. And baby needs one. But only this one XD enjoy!!


I closed the door, my heart pounding. Was I about to tell my Father I'm gay? He shouldn't have a problem......after all he just admitted to being bisexual in a sense.

I grabbed out my phone and texted Aaron.

<Hey A, you wanna come over?> The message was quick and I went to my bed, worked my way to sit on the bed. My phone binged.

[Ya babe, I b over in a few. Everything cool?]

I smiled at the pet name he gave me, my boyfriend was a dork sometimes but I knew it was for good intentions.

<Of course. I just want you with me>

[Awesome ttys]

-Fabulous Time Skip-

There was a knock on my door and I jumped up, opened the door and took in the sight of Aaron. He was a dirty blonde, had a light stubble that he subtly pulled off without being overbareing. His dark brown eyes glinted in the light and he lightly adjusted his grey beanie on his hair. Aaron was in drum line for the school's marching band and he was pretty good at it.

"Hey Jared." He smiled, took a step forward and closed the door behind him. Aaron wasn't one for dressing up, I loved him for it though. He brought his arms around me and I inhaled his scent, a bit of Axe mixed with a rustic kinda of smell.

"Hello Aaron." I smiled up at him. It was something that was starting to become normal for me. Aaron took a step back and examined my room. I had moved things since the last time he was here. My book shelves no longer held all of my books and forced a lot onto the floor or empty places of nick-nacks. Doctor Who posters on the walls and picture of Arron and I above my bed.

"Anything earth shattering happen since I last saw you at school?" Aaron asked, took my hand and lead me to the bed where we fell down and cuddled.

"Well, my Dad is bisexual. I overheard him on the phone before Jack crushed my art project. I think he's going on a date with a guy on Saturday." I responded. Aaron shifted a bit, his arms going around me.

"Well its good that he's getting over what your Mom did. I mean it's kinda quick but we all gotta pick ourselves up. Maybe it will last or maybe not. We just gotta let him ride it out." Aaron said. Words of wisdom I suppose. I rolled over on top of him and leaned over, my nose brushing against his. He wrapped his jacket around me and tapped out a beat onto my bottom absently.

"I guess thats just what we'll have to do. You gotta ride it out with me."

"I promised you didn't I?" He smirked. I leaned down and connected our lips, naturally opening up my mouth for his tongue to enter. Aaron gripped my bottom a little. He touched the inside of my dark cavern sensually, making a small needy noise from the back of his throat. I placed my hands on his neck before pulling back.

"Dad's home, so is Jack. We can't risk it quite yet. We both know how they don't believe in knocking." Aaron chuckled at me.

"True. So, that are you reading right now?" He asked. This is what I like about him, Aaron remembers my intrests and let's me indulge in my gushing/nerdiness. He knows that I have boundries, respected them, and moved on.

"The Alchemist, it's rather interesting actually. Makes you think. It raises a lot of questions on belief." I answered him. I grinned up at Aaron. He pushed my black hair out of the way.

"That's good, maybe I'll borrow it from you." We stayed like that for a while, occasionally sharing a kiss or too. "I like your face."

"Your face is pretty good too." I chuckled at him.


Short little chapter on Jared!! Maybe later on I'll give you guys a sneak peak into Jack's life as well.

Also, I don't have a sense of smell, so I hope Axe smells good lol. If not oh well that's how Aaron smells like XDD

Bye for now guys!!

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