Favorite Color

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Meet Axel!!



Axel was such a dork. A really fucking cute dork. He did the smallest things that amused me, like when he got excited over grapes. Grapes of all things!

In my opinion, the first half of the date went well. We casually talked about this and that, had debates on whether or not the price for food was correct or worth what was asked for it- not that I didn't have the money to pay for it regardless. But the integrity of the vendor and their products are important to me. I took all of this into consideration before buying anything. The same goes for my buisness.

On the drive home though, that was when butterflies decided to make my stomach their home. That was when we'd get only the slightest more personal in our conversations. There were things I'd like to know about, how he came about to have children, was he in an affair with seeing me, what his favorite color was. Things like that.

I pulled into my driveway, the house being large and a light shade of grey, a wrap around porch, and my light cream colored door. That was an inside joke between Jace and I but I really did have to incorporate it into the house designs. I hopped out of my car to grab the groceries and noticed that Axel was still in his car. Either he was reluctant to come in because of something on his mind, or he was just staring at the house. I went with the former.

Bags in hand, I made my way to Mr. Sexy's car and opened the door for him while holding out my other hand for him to grab.

"Something the matter?" I asked, concerned that he may want to leave. That would be fine but I sincerly hoped he would choose to stay.

"There's always something wrong, but for the moment I'm alright." He mumbled still looking off in the distance.

"That's a good thing I suppose, correct?" A coy smile appeared onto his perfectly shaped lips.

"Its excellent." I returned the smile to him and he grasped my hand firmly as a blush swept across his cheeks in the most adorable way ever. Upon entering the house, Royal decided to make his presence known by pouncing his body onto mine and knocked me over. He made his laying spot on my chest as I struggled to get up.

"Royal Pain Douglas get your ass off of me!" I twisted underneath the fairly large dog. I could hear Axel's laughter hit my ears and both Royal and I stopped to look up at him. Axel had one hand over his mouth to try and cover up the sound as his other clutched at his side slightly. When he finally did stop he grabbed the bags from me and pet Royal.

"Come on boy, get off of Ryan so I can play with you." Royal heard play and up he went, circled around Axel with a loud bark and some tail wags. I got up and took the things from him to go make lunch. The other two found their way into the livingroom and I smiled as I heard once again laughter fill the air.

*Time Skip*

"So Axel, I guess there are things we should talk about. Maybe not now but sometime soon." His eyes met mine from his salad and he sighed lightly.

"Yes, we should talk about things. Like Jack and Jared?" He asked me quietly.

"Ya, I'd like to know about them. Not that we have to now, but at somepoint I'd like to know about them if we continue seeing each other. You would like to, right?" I asked him hopefully.

He thought about it for a long while, debate in his eyes. Then his magical green orbs flashed with determination.

"Yes, I would. But one thing must be clear. My boys come first in my life, they were here long before any....partner I will ever have and I will not have anyone disrespect them." Axel firmly said. I nodded, his words resonated in me.

"That I understand, and I would never think of them less than the respect they deserve. They are your family and I have no right to come in and change things. This will be set on your terms." I responded in kind to show that I meant every word I said.

As lunch went by everything settled right back into their happy place again. Jokes were shared and smiles given. I told him about my ADHD and all he had to answer back was a chuckled and an 'I could tell'. I think this first date turned our pretty well.

"So Axel, what's your favorite color?"

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