Chapter 4: Uncanny Confrontation

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Walking in the empty street which led the way from the bridge to what looked like a town, David felt afraid. The bridge was now far behind but David hadn't still seen a single man. It was dark because of the night which caused the lights of the town to glow, most of them yellow in colour and much like bulbs.

As David moved into the town, his shoes made paddy noises as he walked on the hard straightened rocky road showing the silence which had covered everything in David's sight.

It was weird, as along the road, there were houses, small and flimsy, but they had to have people around them. It was killing David that he hadn't seen even a single living being since his arrival in that weird unknown place, let alone a human. He wanted to call out for someone, but he knew that it would be dangerous, so he kept it shut.

As he walked and walked, he came across a blind turn to the right. He sighed and looked towards it. Not expecting something like that, David witnessed a man going through some stuff in a cart placed to the left side of the road. He was stunned by the sight, but he was quite grateful because of it.

He hesitated for a while before going to talk to the stranger but he had no other option. So, after scratching his head for a while he mustered up enough strength to go and have a chat with the person. Maybe he could help him find out about what was going on. So David went for it. But as he was about to reach him, the man turned from the cart and moved to the right side of the road and vanished into it.

David sped up and chased him. When he got there, he realised that there was a turn on the right. As David turned right, he was left totally astonished once again. This time, even for a bigger cause. There were more than one person out there! It looked like a market, that street. The man who David had seen went straight behind a stall and showed some stuff to another person on the other side of it.

David walked quietly in the street and observed everyone there. There was something different and very striking about those people. They were not like the normal people who lived alongside David, they were not the same.

A very prominent character of those people was that they were tall. Much taller than David who was about 6 ft. himself. They were almost 7 ft. to say the least.

However, David walked past some of them and started to get the sight of everyone who had even the slightest glance at him. This raised his heartbeat a bit.

David continued his gait in almost a very bizarre fashion as he knew he was being watched, not by a person or two, but by all of them, those big and bulky beings. "Who are you?" A voice raised from behind him which stopped David. He turned and faced the man who had called him. Seeing him was enough to scare David. He had the most frightening face David had ever seen. It was filled with wrinkles, with the frown making it more fearsome. The big cold deadly eyes and a giant ugly crooked smile paired harshly with the long curly hair touching his shoulders. His dark long moustache and beard didn't make it better either.

"Umm...nobody?!" David replied frightened. "What do you mean by nobody?" The mad with the heavy voice questioned taking a couple of steps towards David. "What's your name?" He questioned. "'s David." David wiped off some sweat from his forehead.

"David?!" The big man laughed. "What kind of name is that?!" They all started laughing. David was offended at this statement because he thought his name was cool. His mother also said so. But as much as he was offended, he was terrified as well, so he decided not to take any action, because the odds were highly against him.

"Who are you?" The man asked stepping forward. "How did you get here?" David stepped back but the man stepped towards him again. David, seeing no other option, suddenly started to run away from him. "Hey! Come back!" The man also went after him.

David took a turn and saw the door of a house open. He ran and went straight inside the house without even thinking anything. The man ran past the door as David glanced from behind it. Some other people also followed the man, but none of them could see that David was inside the house. Probably because there was no light inside.

'Where the hell am I?!' David thought to himself as he ran his hands through his hair sitting behind the door. There was another door against the one through which David had come in. A light glowed inside it. David got up and silently slinked towards the door and peeked inside. A small kid was sitting on a chair. Seeing him, David presumed him to be 8 or maximum 10.

The odd thing about the child was that he was twisting his chair on one foot. And that too with merely sitting on it with legs crossed. He had no support, yet he was sitting on it comfortably. That scene terrified David as it resulted in a gasp by him. Apparently, the boy heard it. As the boy lifted his eyes from the chair, he saw David with his head out from behind the door staring at him. The boy got scared. "Mommy!" He shouted as he fell along with the chair. "Mommy come fast! There's someone behind the door!" The Shocked kid screamed again.

Hearing this, David quickly got himself up and rushed to the outside. He ran as far as he could, but it wasn't helpful because he came across the man he had met in the market, and that too, face to face. "Oh crap!" He said out loud placing his hand on his forehead.

"Where'll you run to now?" Asked the man amused. He came closer to David. David turned around but heard from the man again, "Don't even think about it." He reached David and turned him around from his arm to make him face himself. "Now tell me..." A rather calm, but frightening whisper, "Where are you from?"

Just as David thought that he was gone for the good, came a loose hope. "He's with me." Another weighty voice raised from the left side of David. David didn't even turn to see the face.

"And what are you doing here?" The evil man demanded. "None of your business." He answered in a low and stable tone and then gripped David's arm. "Let's go." This made David look up to that very person. Unlike the other one, this one looked nice. He had a turban on his head from which straight black hair fell to his shoulders. Wrinkle-free face with thin but large lips which smiled at David and grey eyes that looked friendly to him.

David quietly started following him leaving behind every other person in shock there. "Where are you taking me?" David asked as he was frightened. Actually, it was his strong will which had kept him sober to this point, but he couldn't take it much longer. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He smiled and continued to walk.

David worried. How could he not worry? After all, he was away from home, and he didn't even know how much far away he was or even where he was.

"You're safe with me here." The polite man spoke, "No one will do anything harmful to you as long as they know that you're with me." He ensured David about his reputation. "I'm strong and the good guy here." The conversation was turning to mere boasting now, "I'm aware of all around me and I look closely at everything." He said proudly as he stopped walking and turned to David.

"Umm..." David spoke up, but not what the man was expecting, "Is that poop you're standing on?"

He immediately stepped back and looked at it and found out that it was indeed poop. "Ho-ho!" Nervous laughter came out as he tried to swipe off the mess from his shoe by rubbing it over the road. "Well...umm...I can be careless sometimes. Ho-ho!" He said rubbing his neck.

"Yeah...I can see that." David sighed hopelessly. "Who was that man by the way? What's the deal with him?" David inquired. "Oh he's just one of the bad guys..." He continued, "You know, that market is not for good people. So you might want to stay away from it."

"Okay...And how do I know that I can trust you?" David ask. "You have to, my boy." He replied, "You have no other choice." "Yeah, I think you're right."

"By the way, where are you taking me?" David asked. "To my home. I need to eat and you need shelter, so..." Then they both walked towards the man's house, not knowing much about each other. Neither did they know what they both had stepped into.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for posting late, got caught up with some important stuff. ._. I'll try to update more frequently from now on. :)

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the chapter and vote and comment. Stay blessed. :)

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