Chapter 10: Getting Down To Business

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 Night had embraced everything under the sky when a bright spark lighted in a dark room and two boys fell out it. "Ow! My hip!" Matt whined rolling on the floor and rubbing his bottom. "Ha-ha!" David laughed as he took out his phone from his pocket and took a picture of Matt. "Hey!" Matt whined again before his voice broke because of pain. "I told you to come off the bed and stand beside me, but no! This is your reward." David put his phone back in his pocket and helped Matt get up.

 "This place is a mess!" Matt complained looking around in the room. "Yeah, I don't know for how long no one's been in here." David said as he showed Matt downstairs with his torch. "Yeah, I can see that..." Matt took a look around the room again and hurried after David. "My bag is so heavy! You must've put everything in it!" He protested climbing down the stairs behind David. "Mine is heavy too! Don't be a crybaby!"

 "I don't know what my mom and Mrs. Jackson must be thinking right now..." Matt wondered as both of them made their way in the woods pushing bushes aside constantly. "Don't worry, I don't think much time would've had passed there by now." David tried to calm him continuing on his way. "No!" Argued Matt, "I mean, Raheem's grandma is dead for like a year now!" Actually, David and Matt had told their mothers that they were going to be out of town for the condolence of their friend Raheem whose grandma just died. But in reality, she hadn't just died, she was dead for almost eleven months by then. David got what Matt was saying, but he was not much worried. That's because Raheem had moved to another city for three years by then but he was still in contact with his friends via social media and stuff.

 "What if they call any of us during these days?" Matt started to pile up his points at David. "Raheem's gonna take care of it." David replied, "I told him that we had to go somewhere and emotionally blackmailed him to help us...I'm sure he'll handle it well." He showed faith in Raheem. Matt was still worried, "But we have our mobile phones with us and there's no network here!" he said.

 "Humph...I have to tell you everything..." David shook his head, "Look! I gave my facebook account to Raheem! So he'll talk to my mom with my account! Understood?!" David almost shouted in Matt's face. "What about my account?!" Matt shouted back. "Don't worry..." David lightened up his tone, "We have hacked your profile for a long time, and he'll use it too." David turned his face away from Matt. "What?! You hacked my profile? When?!" Matt almost screamed in anger as David was busy laughing at him, "I don't believe it." He shook his head. "'dog of nation'? I mean what kind of password is that?" David burst into laughter again. "I'm going to kill you." Embarrassed Matt could do nothing but shake his head and curse David, which he did, the whole way out of the forest.

 David led Matt to Glygeor's house. It was looking like midnight when they arrived, so no one was in the streets. They rushed to Glygeor's house and knocked at the door. It was cold there, more than their town. "It's so chilly here!" He said shivering and rubbing his hands. "Yeah it is..." David nodded and knocked on the door once again as Glygeor hadn't responded yet.

 After a while of waiting, at last the door opened and Glygeor came out. "What are you doing? It's so late!" He said. "Let us in." David said and walked inside with Matt following him.

 "Who's he?" Glygeor asked pointing at Matt as they sat at the table. Matt looked at David as he introduced him to Glygeor, "Oh, he's Matt...he's my best friend." Then he looked at Matt and pointed towards Glygeor, "Matt, this is Glygeor. He has taken good care of me since I've come to this place. "Nice to meet you!" Matt shook hands with Glygeor. "Pleasure!"

 Coming to the point, David began, "I'm here for the training--" He was cut off by Glygeor, "Don't worry, we'll see the Master tomorrow morning. You've 28 days left now. You have to hurry and get in some shape." "Yeah..." David nodded as Matt just sat there and listened to the conversation.

 "Anyhow!" Glygeor got up, "You boys should get some sleep, and so should I. So, I'm arranging a bed for you two." He went to one of the two rooms attached to the dining room and made the bed for the boys. "Your bed is ready. And I'm going to sleep now. Sleep well!" He said and went into the other room and locked the door.

 "We have to sleep in the same bed. You do not kick while sleeping, do you?" David asked Matt looking at their bed. "I usually don't, but I don't know about today because there's only one blanket for the two of us, and I'm freezing!" Matt again started shivering. David hopped on the bed and opened the blanket. "Let's try and make it work." He said. "Yeah!" Matt also joined him. Luckily the blanket was big enough for them to sleep, but only in straight posture. So, they lay straight and tried to sleep. It was hard, but after a little struggle, they managed to lose their conscious and fell asleep.

 "Hey! Wake up!" Matt opened his eyes only to find out David roaring in his face. "What?" He asked. David stared at him with anger and said, "Get up, it's time." Matt acted dizzy, "How much did we sleep? I'm still tired as hell!" He said and grasped his pillow tightly.

 David was furious at Matt. "You should probably ask about how much YOU slept! You didn't let me doze at all. You kicked me throughout the night and look at yourself. You are upside down!" He bonked Matt's face with his hand until he got up. "What's the matter with you?!" Matt got up pushing David's hand aside.

 "Come on kids! We have to go to the temple!" Glygeor called from outside. David shook his head and left the room. On the other hand, hearing Glygeor's voice had woken up Matt for good too because he had just realized that he was still in the wizard world. He followed David outside the room as well.

 The three of them had breakfast. It was very early in the morning. The Sun was still pretty low and was rising slowly as Glygeor led the two boys to the temple.

 "I'm a little scared." Matt whispered to David as the two boys were walking behind Glygeor. "Yeah I know...I am a little scared too." David sighed. Matt reached up to Glygeor and asked, "What are we going to do in the temple?" Glygeor just shrugged and said, "I don't know. The Master will tell you small people what to do. I have heard that he has met humans before."

 "Interesting!" David remarked. "He didn't tell me that before..."

 Glygeor nodded, "That's because he didn't have to at that moment. We have to hurry because of your stupidity." He shook his head. "But I am certain that he will help you."

 They walked and talked, and the three of them stepped into the temple where the hard work was about to begin for Matt and most certainly for David.

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